nekoli @nekoli
21 December, 03:27
Replying to KuletXCore's Post
test test
LPVS @Lpvs
21 November, 01:35
aight ya'll its time for me to make life choices for my wrist:

oi Vtubers toss me them there pngs/refs gonna draw myself in the outfits.

note if i dont commit to this uhhhh idk stab me or smth
nekoli @nekoli
21 July, 01:56
Successful send to multiple devices, just need to add the new types of notifications and test.
Lizardguy @Lizardguy
21 July, 08:02
And this is how I ban jerks from my stream.
nekoli @nekoli
23 July, 06:09
Hey all, the user notifications update has been pushed. I plan on adding a search to the page for those that seem to be following a few people and something like that would be helpful for them.

User notifications do not follow your Account notification settings, since this what applies to actions taken towards yourself.

Please let me know if you have any issues with it.
Lizardguy @Lizardguy
24 July, 10:44
Oh my god, where are my manners. As of last night I have 500+ followers on Twitch.
nekoli @nekoli
20 July, 07:07
VStream just announced that their open beta is starting on Monday July 24th, 2023. However apparently there will be some sort of progression system before being able to go live, I'm guessing to avoid too much stress.

More details:
nekoli @nekoli
30 June, 09:13
Also, the translation update for post is in the finalization stages, just cleaning things up/ensuring no bugs.

After the release of this, I plan on fixing notifications for mobile since it’s broken for some devices, I’m also considering push notifications for web
nekoli @nekoli
03 July, 05:03
Hey all, the post translation update has been completed and pushed. You can add translations to a post very similarly to how creating a poll works, just click the translation icon in the controls to check it out.

If a post has any available translations, it will show a translate button on its thread page (These translations are provided the creator of the post and not automated).

If you have any feedback, please provide it below or in our discord:

If you wish to support the site, we have a Ko-Fi:

Thank you for being here.
nekoli @nekoli
07 July, 02:31
Likely wouldn't occur that soon, but would you be interested in a discriminator system for usernames to allow more than one user to have an @?

Would be similar to how other platforms have done it, username separated by a hashtag and then randomly generated numbers (user#3214).

ya, i would like discrims

nah, i like how it is

41 people voted
nekoli @nekoli
11 July, 02:26
The mobile app has been updated for both iOS and Android, here's the changelog for this update:

- Swifts enabled, essentially media focused posts that expire after a short amount of time.
- Push Notifications fixed, you may need to resign/reinstall.
- Time across the app should now be fully converted to local time.
- Theming/Formatting updated across the app to be more consistent.
- General Bug/Performance fixes.
- Localization files updated.

Please note that it can take an hour for this update to appear in your app store. If you have any issues or feedback regarding the app, please let us know. :)
Alethila 💙🐎 @Alethila
07 July, 01:33
I'm hopefully going to be helping with the development of this site soon! :3
Kamerson @Kamerson
01 July, 06:01
I am no longer active on Twitter, so I will try to make more of an effort to post & repost here!
I will do my best to repost vtubers here to support discoverability!
⛧𝐃𝐞𝐦𝐨𝐧𝐋𝐨𝐫𝐝-𝐊𝐲𝐫𝐚𝐧⛧ (M.. @DemonLordKyran
01 July, 05:57
haven’t posted here in awhile but hope everyone’s been well!
Amewa Takahashi @Amewa_Takahashi
01 July, 06:06
Twitter shat itself again, hi
Miss Misha @Miss_Misha
01 July, 06:14
welp twitter's down so ima just casually simp for my friends here.❤️
Movo the Gorgon @MMA_Gorgon
01 July, 06:08
Seems Twitter is on fire yet again
Welkin Liner @WelkinLiner
01 July, 04:59
Morkus 🦝 @MorkusBorkus
01 July, 05:44
well twitter is imploding once again so I’m back on here for the time being.
SirSealVT @SirSealVT
01 July, 05:50
hey uhm im live btw :)
01 July, 05:47
say hi to this site lul
nekoli @nekoli
30 June, 09:10
Hey all, I don't like asking for this, however I lost my job this Monday and am about $130 short on my bills that are coming up in July.

If anyone's able to help at all, it is appreciated, my Ko-Fi is below. No pressure though.
SenixPrime @SenixPrime
12 June, 11:44
Replying to KuletXCore's Post
same tbh! i'm really bad at remembering stuff like this xD
nekoli @nekoli
05 June, 07:52
Replying to KuletXCore's Post
This is what I would want to do for automated translations, however this would be $5.49/month + $25.00 per 1 million characters, which sadly the platform itself wouldn't be able to finically support yet.
Chiru Kobra 🐍 #YearO.. @ChiruKobra
30 May, 02:29
I'm streaming way earlier than normal? YES!
DRG/Keija Umi @DarkRockGunner
30 May, 04:22
Yahoo! I'm back from not having internet for a whole week because people don't know how to cut down trees properly haha!
It's ok tho, because I'm getting back into Dark Souls 3 today, so join in for more death and, well, more death too. Starting now!

#vTuber #ENVtuber
nekoli @nekoli
31 May, 09:45
Hey all, I’m making a post because I’m interested in feedback on what you’re interested on being worked on next.

I have a few generic ideas of course, just wondering what you all are wanting.
Alethila 💙🐎 @Alethila
04 June, 09:42
I haven't forgotten about this place, just been super busy with work. I hope you can forgive me.
Mistress Briley 💋😈🔞 @MistressBriley
05 June, 12:15
Stolen from discord~
Sentiment rings true!
Aries! Ender man vtu.. @AdhdAries
06 June, 03:25
stabbing time