Mellow The Fairy pinned
Mellow The Fairy @MellowTheFairy
19 February, 10:07
So I have a question for you all!

I've been thinking about starting a VTuber group! Not so much an agency, just a small group, built around expanding the talents circle, helping to set up collab partners, and give those who want to be under a named group a place to call home!

It would be consisting of a variety of faces, from PNG to 2D and 3D models, of many different aesthetics and talents! My question is, how would interested in joining that sort of group, and what potential criteria would you think should be put into place?
Safi Sphaera | Risin.. @SafiScores
07 September, 11:38
Hello, would you like some art?

I like to draw sparkly anime style!! I hope you enjoy 💖

#VArtist #art #ffxivart #FFXIV #freelancer #ArtistForHire #vgen
H4v0cH3lls1ng @H4v0cH3lls1ng
28 May, 09:56
Replying to Captain Andros Urbana's Post
They didn't lose the plot. They took it out back..m
🔥⚡ Theodore \'Hedgy\.. @Hedge_Edge23
28 May, 09:16
Good day to you all! It's your boy, Theodore Hedgeworth, but you can call me Hedgy for short. I'm your average video game enjoyer, VTuber lover, and I draw sometimes too. Decided to warp in here, in case this account suspension bug on Twitter gets mine too. It's an absolute pleasure meeting you. 😄👍
Raionhato @Raionhato
28 May, 09:33
I am part of the new trend :3 seeing as twitter hates me and wants to ban my account for no reason xD
nekoli @nekoli
28 May, 06:10
Also, to all new users, please know you do have the ability to mark your post as sensitive or restricted.

Please do mark your post as restricted if it contains/links to nsfw content that way users that have not opt into viewing this content or shouldn’t be (under 18/haven’t provided birthday) are not doing so.

You can also mark your whole profile as restricted, which will require users, in addition to the above, to be logged in to view any content.
ShibuQ📜Guild Master☀.. @Shibu_Q
02 April, 04:36
Replying to Captain Andros Urbana's Post
Welcome in!
ShibuQ📜Guild Master☀.. @Shibu_Q
03 April, 04:20
Jade Callisto @Jade_Callisto
31 March, 10:42
I also want to promote that I make Vroid models for free, if anyone is a upcoming Vtuber that wants a character made feel free to contact me! Here are some examples of my work for you all to peruse~ I am still very much new to making outfits so only the first one's outfit is by me, others are free assets found on Booth! #ENVtuber #vTuber #FreeVtuberAssets