Captain Andros Urban.. @Captain_Andros_Urbana
28 May, 09:05
So with all the accounts getting suspended on Twitter recently and many of my friends who are artists have had their accounts suspended are fed up now.... I've told them to come here and hopefully more will follow cause Twitter is losing the plot now so sad
Captain Andros Urban.. @Captain_Andros_Urbana
07 April, 05:47
Happy Good Friday to all. My mom's cat Livi decided to get into the Easter mood early
Captain Andros Urban.. @Captain_Andros_Urbana
31 March, 11:32
Some wonderful images made by such great artists of yours truly
Captain Andros Urban.. @Captain_Andros_Urbana
31 March, 11:21
Greetings all this is my new profile here on I do hope to grow as much as i did on Twitter.