Eva Nox @EvaNox
29 April, 01:25
I had an ASD moment where my brain connected all but THE MOST IMPORTANT dot...

Spent all night having trouble breathing, increasingly getting worse all night. I was like "oh I have asthma and have been around a heavy smoker"

Took forever for the "USE THE INHALER" dot to kick in
Eva Nox @EvaNox
21 April, 07:07
I miss streaming. I could probably stream anytime I want but I'm so used to a certain OBS setup that it's mentally hard to consider streaming without it the way it was before. Working on my OBS has given me so many headaches and meltdowns that I'm not sure it's worth it to "fix" first. It might just be more worth it to start minimalistic then work my way back to my overlays and we'll set up scenes and the like. I'm too dizzy to try right now but perhaps I should soon, even if my OBS is incomplete...
Eva Nox @EvaNox
14 April, 10:08
Small health update:

For the TLDR edition: I almost passed out in public and am now home safely.
Eva Nox @EvaNox
12 April, 01:48
Hey, which one of you forget to hydrate again??? I know you're out there somewhere. So, GO HYDRATE before you diedrate!!!
Eva Nox @EvaNox
11 April, 09:06
Another long tumblr post, for when it's too long for normal posts 😉

Eva Nox @EvaNox
11 April, 01:04
Hey hey, guess what time it is?

It's #ITL time with amandaleighttv!!! We are both #InsideTheLabs content creators so I hope you guys enjoy the stream and the game!

(I'm still not back yet so check out her stream)

Amanda's stream:

Eva Nox @EvaNox
31 March, 05:01
As we approach my return to streaming, I have only 1 question...

Do you guys want it to be a big party like stream, or a more chill, hangout type stream?

Also as a reminder, please ask questions on my #tellonym so we can answer them on my return stream!


🎉A big party, DUH!!!🎉

❄️Daily dose of chill❄️

2 people voted
nekoli @nekoli
27 February, 11:51
Hey everyone,

Apologies for the recent downtime. The machine that was hosting vTubers.Me ended up just crashing and it took the host till now to get the drives swapped over to a new machine. Everything should be operating fine now though.

Please let me know if you notice any issues.
Eva Nox @EvaNox
28 March, 09:44
I recently took Town Crier, my #ServiceDog to the dentist for the first (proper) time!

Eva Nox @EvaNox
24 March, 01:42
Dy 1 of vacation was a bit of a mess, I was dealing with a ton of executive dysfunction & a headache + upset eye all day so we ended up leaving late. Town Crier hasn't ever been to a hotel before so it was a bit nerve wracking but so far she's doing fine. A little huffy atm tho..
Eva Nox @EvaNox
09 March, 05:06
Hey guys, I wanted to let you all know that I am playing valo with some friends, Asmo and Jade! Stop by their twitch channels to see us play!

If you like what you see, leave a follow! Jade is almost at 200 and Asmo is almost at 100!

Asmo: https://www.twitch.tv/literall...
Jade: https://www.twitch.tv/jaded_am...
Eva Nox @EvaNox
03 March, 09:22
I've completed today's (disabled) checklist:
1) Email doctors
2) order medications

Now I'm on today's general (non disabled) checklist:
1) Make food
2) Eat food
3) Realize that's beyond today's capacity but do it anyways because it's important.

Not sure if I'll complete the second checklist or not.... tis the life of disabled people.
Eva Nox @EvaNox
02 March, 01:40
#Disability isn't our entire personality, but it is something where the options are to be silently repressed or to scream it out loud for the world to hear.
Eva Nox @EvaNox
01 March, 07:12
It's that time again for a big Eva Update! I talk about alot of stuff, forgot alot of stuff, and honestly could go on forever. However, it was too long so I will redirect you to my tumblr for this one.

Eva Nox @EvaNox
13 February, 10:12
Hey guys, we're going live over on Hex's channel with some #Empyrion so head on over and check us out!

Hex's stream:

Also if you want to support me consider donating to my thronothon! Even $5 would be helpful towards the cause!


#VTubers #VtubersEN #smallstreamers #DisabledStreamer #Autism #ADHD
Eva Nox @EvaNox
09 February, 09:33
Hey guys! I'm going live with @HexeqPrime on his channel! We'll be playing #Empyrion / #EmpyrionGalacticSurvival so be sure to tune in!

Eva Nox @EvaNox
07 February, 04:21
Worst pseudo flare I've had in awhile... my eyes feel like hell, I'm getting a headache from the eye issues and the headache is causing issues with sensory overload from both sound and (increasing the already over sensitivity to) light.I just want some food but it hurts so bad 😭
Eva Nox @EvaNox
01 February, 01:52
Hey guys still recovering from my infusion but I'll be live with Amanda on her channel with some #InsideTheLabs soon! Come by and say hi to us!

Eva Nox @EvaNox
29 January, 10:54
I've pretty much noticed I can do some stuff, like gaming or moving around, for short periods of time as long as I take a nap afterwards. Seems like the tradeoff is about 2-3 hours of activity for 4.5-8 hours of sleep/inactivity.

Which, while that sucks, it's nice because it means I CAN do stuff, I just gotta be smart about what I do, how I go about it, and how long I do stuff.

As usual I'll pop this up for the 30 mins, but again it's not necessary.

Eva Nox @EvaNox
28 January, 11:52
Another day another health update:

My head feels like it's splitting open, especially behind my left eye and in the left forehead area. I took my leave from discord & gaming to rest but that's not helping much yet. I'm also having some lovely bouts of dizziness when I roll over. Guess it's back to bed rest for a bit.
Eva Nox @EvaNox
28 January, 06:48
I know I'm not streaming right now, but I've been opening this up twice a day (stays open 30 mins at a time) since I really can't safely cook right now. Please don't feel burdened or like you have to get me something!

Eva Nox @EvaNox
27 January, 11:14
Ngl, I think it might be a croutons dipped in thousand island dressing kind of day.
Eva Nox @EvaNox
27 January, 07:27
I think Town Crier needs a day off... but I can't trust my housemates to do the right thing. After all, one of them literally had covid right before and during my infusion, only told me they had a cold, and everyone here is treating me like I'm being dramatic about it. Literally, causing me potentially life and death issues, and they call it dramatic. I hate being stuck in my room 24/7 and my poor dog is stuck in here with me. So done with their bullshit.
Eva Nox @EvaNox
26 January, 07:58

So, preface, this will be several messages long. If you would like to get to the content quickly, head over to my tumblr post about this amazing creator (mostly just sharing what they said for the entire world to see), otherwise, sit back and enjoy the posts!

#MakingtheInvisibleVisible #ChronicIllness #InvisibleIllnewsAwareness

Eva Nox @EvaNox
26 January, 01:32
Health update time:

Numb on/off again & both tired but not at the same time. I have a real itch to play some games but I know how quickly that'll tire me out... 🥹🥲 Decided to make some new socials today and I'm already regretting it since all my first posts will be health updates 😅😂 GG me. Overall I'm doing okay right now but it feels like the calm before the storm. I've had enough of these infusions to know what's in store for me.
Eva Nox @EvaNox
25 January, 07:17
Here's some pictures from yesterday during the infusion. They poked me twice like usual since the nurses never listen to me. The vein we went with is a squiggly vein, which is apparently why they don't listen, but it's the only one that doesn't play peek-a-boo with us.
Eva Nox @EvaNox
25 January, 06:44
I just added Recovery Thronothon to my Throne Wishlist! We are funding to improve my streaming setup while I recover from my infusion (for my MS). All funds will be contributed to my stream!

Check it out here: https://throne.com/evanoxvtube...

#MultipleSclerosis #DisabledStreamer #Throne #wishlist #Thronothon #subathon #donothon #Recovery #MedicalRecovery
Eva Nox @EvaNox
25 January, 05:28
As many of you know, I had my infusion for my #MultipleSclerosis yesterday & am now in recovery mode. I'm already dealing with alot more numbness, weakness, & pain than usual, and fatigue seems to be so-so as I just got up.

I highly recommend joining my discord if you would like to receive regular updates on my health or streams, especially during infusion recovery times.

You can get the roles The Hydrated for health updates & Live Notifications for streaming stuff

Eva Nox @EvaNox
24 January, 04:57
It's infusion day! 🏥💪💉

That means I'll be at the doctors all day today, and will he in recovery mode starting tonight.

The infusion is to help REDUCE #MultipleSclerosis flareups and DOES NOT reduce daily symptoms. In fact, it increases them for a bit.
Eva Nox @EvaNox
17 January, 04:31
✨️Catch up with me while I do my #Valorant dailies!✨️Join me for some #GoodVibesOnly


#ENVtuber #VtubersEN #vTuber #Vtuberuprising #AutisticStreamer #wellness I have #ADHD #ASD #MultipleSclerosis #Anxiety #PTSD among other things!