Administrator temporarily pinned
nekoli @nekoli
15 May, 02:11
Anddd, we're back, this time on a fresh drive. Sorry it took a while. We had to spend time figuring out what went wrong and ensure all data was safe.

Backups are taken of course, but only want to use them if necessary.

If you would like to assist the platform in being less reliant on a single point of failure, you can upgrade your account to Vmium or support our ko-fi here:

Thank you for using vTubers.Me. c:
Fortuna Tu ⬜ @FortunaTu
16 April, 12:36
IDK why but the auto post is not working for me now, oh well.

I'm going live right now, Playing a game called "Sketch Crawler, where a roguelike where you draw the stuff you use. Could be fun!
Oozi Ooze @OoziOoze
13 February, 02:15
Ayo! Going live on #Twitch to WIN/LOSE it all! We're playing ♠️❤️♦️♣️ #Balatro♠️❤️♦️♣️ a poker roguelike game.

If you also enjoy big risks and big chill vibes at the same time, hop on the link below!

Sod Passion Projects @PassionSod
07 December, 08:07
Checking Out The Full Release Of This Wonderful Roguelike In A #Roboquest Stream #vTuber #furry. This game was so much fun in early access & I can't wait to see what it's done for full release. Should be fun.

Hope you can join, have a great day.

Linktree in Bio.

❤️&🔃, thanks
Oozi Ooze @OoziOoze
05 October, 02:05
Yo yo! We are going live on Twitch to play some #BLAZBLUE Entropy Effect! Let's get it in gear and let's not be guilty and feel free to hop on in the link in the thread below!
#roguelike #VTubers #Vtuberuprising #vtuberen
Fortuna Tu ⬜ @FortunaTu
04 October, 07:37
If game is cute, why difficult?

No but really, why is Blazing beaks so god damn hard bruh. Got far today tho, so yay progress was kinda made (since it doesn't save progress, its a roguelike after all)
Fortuna Tu ⬜ @FortunaTu
12 September, 01:43
Downloaded some Demos for tomorrow. The genres are, once again, all over the place. I have horror shooter, roguelike, a tower defense, bullet heaven, etc. Oh yeah, tomorrow's gonna be awesome.
Lizardguy @Lizardguy
05 September, 02:49
A lot of people are talking about Starfield without actually saying what kind of game it is.

Like, is it an RPG? FPS? Platformer? I dunno. People aren't even calling it a Roguelike which seems to be the only genre people call games these days.
Fortuna Tu ⬜ @FortunaTu
31 August, 05:42
There's also a game called "Fortuna" and i'm not kidding, the game is a roguelike resource-management game heavily reliant on luck. As in, the resources you get are random, you can even LOSE resources instead.
Fortuna Tu ⬜ @FortunaTu
14 August, 07:58
Yo, Foregone is actually very chill... Foregood. It's like Dead Cells in various aspects, but dying doesn't reset the run, it's as if Dead Cells was more metroidvania than roguelike, feels really good too, to just jump around blasting monster with shotguns.
BlueTheFuta (FRVTUBE.. @BlueTheFuta
04 August, 06:44
#ENVtuber i found a fun roguelike game
i'm trying to break the game by going to the island 500 come see me if you want i mainly speak french but ik how to speak in english if needed
Miss Nobody @MissNobody
29 July, 12:22
Thank you for everyone who joined me today ^_^
it was great getting to see all of you ^_^
Unfortunately I'm not the best at Roguelike games ^^;
and was pretty quiet aka not speaking much due to trying to pay attention lol ^^;
Fortuna Tu ⬜ @FortunaTu
22 July, 04:03
Seems most of the posts made here is just "going live"... so why don't we start a trend, to shake things up? I'll try to start trends here every once in a while.


Good day and good luck, i am your luck. I am the very concept of luck, which means i am part of creation but not existance. I stream in english at 09:00AM on kick, and in portuguese at 13:00PM on twitch (Both GMT-3). I'm very chill, and my favorite game genres are metroidvanias, roguelikes and horror games. Also i try to show as many games on stream as i can.

@Lizardguy @Page_DMaj @TheFrigidBagel
Fortuna Tu ⬜ @FortunaTu
12 July, 02:45
Severed Steel é uma jóia que ninguem prestou atenção, não só tem um modo história muito divertido, como também tem modos de scoreboard, cosméticos, e até um modo roguelike. Se gosta de jogos de tiro (ou mesmo se tiver mira ruim, como eu), dê uma chance para esse jogo, tenho certeza que vai adorar.
Fortuna Tu ⬜ @FortunaTu
01 July, 08:12
Die in the Dungeon - Is a roguelike that is simple but complicated, you just place die in a board, but what makes it complex is that you can only put 3 die every turn. There's a bunch of different die, but the 3 main ones are: damage, defend, and heal. There's only a demo for now, but i played said demo for a total of 20 hours (not kidding). Good luck not die-ing ehehe (please don't throw rocks at me for making this pun, thank you)
Fortuna Tu ⬜ @FortunaTu
01 July, 08:09
Die in the Dungeon - É um roguelike simples mas complicado, você apenas coloca dados em um tabuleiro, mas o que complica é que apenas 3 dados podem ser colocados por turno. Tem vários tipos de dados, mas os 3 principais são: dano, defender, e curar. Só tem a Demo, mas eu já joguei tal demo por 20 horas (sem exagero). Boa sorte não morrendo ehehe
Fortuna Tu ⬜ @FortunaTu
21 June, 04:32
Oozi Ooze @OoziOoze
13 June, 11:00
What up Dungeon Denizens! We are going live on Twitch a bit earlier than normal to play some Mortal Sin. If you like #roguelike games, hop on in! o3o/)
#VTubers #VtubersEN #VTubersAreStillWatching #VtuberSupport #VtuberUprisings

Lexys_Hesediel @Lexys_Hesediel
10 June, 11:38
¿¡Estais listos para llorar!? ¿¡estais listos para el arrepentimiento!? ¡Pues espero que

Nos vemos este domingo a las 18:00 horario peninsular para llorar juntos en #TBOIRepentance ¡nos vemos!
#vTuber #collab #Vtuberuprising #roguelike #ESVtuber
Oozi Ooze @OoziOoze
29 May, 11:12
Ayo o3o/) we are going live on Twitch, chatting and stumbling through Halls of Torment, a roguelike that manages to fuse #Diablo and #VampireSurvivors. If you love retro, roguelike action, hop in the link below!
#VTubers #VtubersEN #Vtuberuprising

Oozi Ooze @OoziOoze
07 May, 11:19
Ayo' o3o/) Going live on Twitch to play some #roguelike games and also have a bit of a surprise for my Dungeon Denizens. 🐸
Hop on in the link below if you enjoy chill vibes and chaos.
#VTubers #VtubersEN #VtubersUprising

Eveefun @Eveefun
07 April, 11:51
i think i broke my most sane roguelike video game
TheUniqueLee @TheUniqueLee
31 March, 11:30
Hey, I'm Lee, your fav goth vampire creative! I stream art, writing, and the occasional game. I love having a good comfy co-working stream or a chill time playing all the farming sim games (some roguelikes here and there)
I have both Ko-fi memberships and Commissions. If you'd like an icon similar to the ones below, check it out
Tags: #UniqueLeeArt #UniqueLeeStreams #UniqueLeeClip #UniqueLeeCommissions
#blackvtuber #ENVtuber
Evo @Evoltion
31 March, 06:23
Like to join me for some coffee?
Names Evoltion but you can call me Evo for short

I love playing Roguelike games and other indie games as well!

Appreciate it if you stopped by!

#ENVtuber #vTuber #Vtuberuprising
Visus Agnos [ENVtube.. @visus_agnos
30 March, 02:41
Alright I kept forgetting to introduce myself so I'll do it now even though I'm at work.

Hello! My name is Visus, you can call me Vis, and I just started streaming this year! I love playing almost every game but mainly story-based games, roguelikes, and online FPS's are fun (not good).

If you're looking for a comfy stream to chill or vibe in, feel free to check mine out! I usually stream on Tuesdays, Fridays, and Saturdays at around 9pm EST.

Here's a scuffed carrd I made just now that has what little socials I use!
#ENVtuber #introduction #IAmSoCool
Kathya 🏳️‍⚧️ @Hellkittenkathya
30 March, 02:23
my go to intro

Hi im kathya, a hell kitten from hell itself, currently living on this f'ed up planet, in eastern canada, i am a MtF trans, my pronouns are She/Her, i have ADHD, tourette syndrom and autism type 2

I'm also a smoll shy streamer on twitch, mostly playing whatever i feel like. rpgs, survival, roguelikes, ect

nice to meet ya'll <3

#ENVtuber | #VtuberSupport | #Autism
Dellog Blastspark @DellogBlastspark
18 February, 03:43
I'm playing a new roguelike deckbuilder called Nadir!

It's quite empty here..

Huh, nothing could be found for '{{search_query}}', Try searching for something else?