Sod Passion Projects @PassionSod
05 February, 12:40
We Press On Fighting So Many More "Optional" Bosses | #Bloodstained Stream #vTuber #furry. I made some poor choices of just how much Deadlock today, & then I got sucked into shorts. Let's get a quickie in.

Hope you can join, have a great day.

Linktree in Bio.

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Sod Passion Projects @PassionSod
05 February, 12:42
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#Bloodstained #stream #vTuber #furry πŸ†πŸ’«πŸŒž
Sod Passion Projects @PassionSod
05 February, 12:40
We Press On Fighting So Many More "Optional" Bosses | #Bloodstained Stream #vTuber #furry. I made some poor choices of just how much Deadlock today, & then I got sucked into shorts. Let's get a quickie in.

Hope you can join, have a great day.

Linktree in Bio.

❀️&πŸ”ƒ, thank you
Sod Passion Projects @PassionSod
03 February, 05:12
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#AloneintheDark #stream #vTuber #furry πŸ†πŸ’«πŸŒž
Sod Passion Projects @PassionSod
03 February, 05:09
We Continue After So Many IRL Issues, Lord Help Me | #AloneintheDark Stream #vTuber #furry. Things keep happening in the worst way, but I will persist. Hope this chapter can hit a sweet spot for time.

Hope you can join, have a great day.

Linktree in Bio.

❀️&πŸ”ƒ, thank you
Sod Passion Projects @PassionSod
03 February, 05:09
We Continue After So Many IRL Issues, Lord Help Me | #AloneintheDark Stream #vTuber #furry. Things keep happening in the worst way, but I will persist. Hope this chapter can hit a sweet spot for time.

Hope you can join, have a great day.

Linktree in Bio.

❀️&πŸ”ƒ, thank you
Sod Passion Projects @PassionSod
27 January, 10:59
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#TheBunnyGraveyard #stream #vTuber #furry πŸ†πŸ’«πŸŒž
Sod Passion Projects @PassionSod
27 January, 10:55
Having A Silly Time As Mouse Cursor I'm Sure | #TheBunnyGraveyard Stream #vTuber #furry. From one IRL hiccup to another. Still, not much you can do against a storm but hope to survive it.

Hope you can join, have a great day.

Linktree in Bio.

❀️&πŸ”ƒ, thank you
Sod Passion Projects @PassionSod
27 January, 10:55
Having A Silly Time As Mouse Cursor I'm Sure | #TheBunnyGraveyard Stream #vTuber #furry. From one IRL hiccup to another. Still, not much you can do against a storm but hope to survive it.

Hope you can join, have a great day.

Linktree in Bio.

❀️&πŸ”ƒ, thank you
Sod Passion Projects @PassionSod
22 January, 04:11
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#TheEvilWithin #stream #vTuber #furry πŸ†πŸ’«πŸŒž
Sod Passion Projects @PassionSod
22 January, 04:09
This Time We're Cracking The Bloody Safe Man | #TheEvilWithin Stream #vTuber #furry. The worst horror Ill experience today is need to update OBS & thinking that deleted my plugins. Needed to update those too.

Hope you can join, have a great day.

Linktree in Bio.

❀️&πŸ”ƒ, thanks
Sod Passion Projects @PassionSod
22 January, 04:09
This Time We're Cracking The Bloody Safe Man | #TheEvilWithin Stream #vTuber #furry. The worst horror Ill experience today is need to update OBS & thinking that deleted my plugins. Needed to update those too.

Hope you can join, have a great day.

Linktree in Bio.

❀️&πŸ”ƒ, thanks
Sod Passion Projects @PassionSod
19 January, 05:57
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#Bloodstained #stream #vTuber #furry πŸ†πŸ’«πŸŒž
Sod Passion Projects @PassionSod
19 January, 05:55
We Start Our Quest For The True Ending With This Baddie | #Bloodstained Stream #vTuber #furry. It's gonna be a struggle to behave myself, also find a good stopping point, a lot of "extra" content.

Hope you can join, have a great day.

Linktree in Bio.

❀️&πŸ”ƒ, thank you
Sod Passion Projects @PassionSod
19 January, 05:55
We Start Our Quest For The True Ending With This Baddie | #Bloodstained Stream #vTuber #furry. It's gonna be a struggle to behave myself, also find a good stopping point, a lot of "extra" content.

Hope you can join, have a great day.

Linktree in Bio.

❀️&πŸ”ƒ, thank you
Sod Passion Projects @PassionSod
16 January, 12:05
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#MirrorsEdge #stream #vTuber #furry πŸ†πŸ’«πŸŒž
Sod Passion Projects @PassionSod
16 January, 12:04
Revisiting A Childhood Classic To Ring In A New Season | #MirrorsEdge Stream #vTuber #furry. This is also a late season 5 debut & birthday celebration, the end of 2024 was rough to me. Wish me a happy B-day.

Hope you can join, have a great day.

Linktree in Bio.

❀️&πŸ”ƒ, thanks
Sod Passion Projects @PassionSod
16 January, 12:04
Revisiting A Childhood Classic To Ring In A New Season | #MirrorsEdge Stream #vTuber #furry. This is also a late season 5 debut & birthday celebration, the end of 2024 was rough to me. Wish me a happy B-day.

Hope you can join, have a great day.

Linktree in Bio.

❀️&πŸ”ƒ, thanks
Sod Passion Projects @PassionSod
12 January, 04:29
Replying to Sod Passion Projects's Post
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#ReturnToMonkeyIsland #MonkeyIsland #stream #vTuber #furry πŸ†πŸ’«πŸŒž
Sod Passion Projects @PassionSod
12 January, 04:28
My First Adventure With Guybrush Will Be His Latest | #ReturnToMonkeyIsland Stream #vTuber #furry. It's the last stream with the season 4 model, over a month late cause life can suck sometimes.

Hope you can join, have a great day.

Linktree in Bio.

❀️&πŸ”ƒ, thank you
Sod Passion Projects @PassionSod
12 January, 04:28
My First Adventure With Guybrush Will Be His Latest | #ReturnToMonkeyIsland Stream #vTuber #furry. It's the last stream with the season 4 model, over a month late cause life can suck sometimes.

Hope you can join, have a great day.

Linktree in Bio.

❀️&πŸ”ƒ, thank you
Sod Passion Projects @PassionSod
12 December, 02:09
Replying to Sod Passion Projects's Post
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#TheEvilWithin #stream #vTuber #furry πŸ†πŸ’«πŸŒž
Sod Passion Projects @PassionSod
12 December, 02:07
Toppling Some Twins & Cracking A Safe-man | #TheEvilWithin Stream #vTuber #furry. So far each level has taken a while to get done & I really could do with a shorter stream. Whish me luck.

Hope you can join, have a great day.

Linktree in Bio.

❀️&πŸ”ƒ, thank you
Sod Passion Projects @PassionSod
12 December, 02:07
Toppling Some Twins & Cracking A Safe-man | #TheEvilWithin Stream #vTuber #furry. So far each level has taken a while to get done & I really could do with a shorter stream. Whish me luck.

Hope you can join, have a great day.

Linktree in Bio.

❀️&πŸ”ƒ, thank you
Sod Passion Projects @PassionSod
08 December, 01:51
Replying to Sod Passion Projects's Post
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#Bloodstained #stream #vTuber #furry πŸ†πŸ’«πŸŒž
Sod Passion Projects @PassionSod
08 December, 01:49
We'll Figure Out How To Unlock Another Train Boss | #Bloodstained Stream #vTuber #furry. I've been in a bit of a rough spot these last few weeks, not aided by power outages & my ADHD brain multitasking.

Hope you can join, have a great day.

Linktree in Bio.

❀️&πŸ”ƒ, thank you
Sod Passion Projects @PassionSod
08 December, 01:49
We'll Figure Out How To Unlock Another Train Boss | #Bloodstained Stream #vTuber #furry. I've been in a bit of a rough spot these last few weeks, not aided by power outages & my ADHD brain multitasking.

Hope you can join, have a great day.

Linktree in Bio.

❀️&πŸ”ƒ, thank you
Sod Passion Projects @PassionSod
01 December, 12:42
Replying to Sod Passion Projects's Post
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#AloneintheDark #stream #vTuber #furry πŸ†πŸ’«πŸŒž
Sod Passion Projects @PassionSod
01 December, 12:38
Exploring Taroella To Fend Off The Dark Man | #AloneintheDark Stream #vTuber #furry. Been under the weather the last few days in multiple ways. Still I'm glad to be back to my insomniac ways.

Hope you can join, have a great day.

Linktree in Bio.

❀️&πŸ”ƒ, thank you
Sod Passion Projects @PassionSod
01 December, 12:38
Exploring Taroella To Fend Off The Dark Man | #AloneintheDark Stream #vTuber #furry. Been under the weather the last few days in multiple ways. Still I'm glad to be back to my insomniac ways.

Hope you can join, have a great day.

Linktree in Bio.

❀️&πŸ”ƒ, thank you