Administrator temporarily pinned
shaybun @shaybun
04 April, 11:33
Look at this lil clown pfp i made for april fools! Also went back and edited a non clown version >:3

#AprilFools #VTubers
Red Vacant @RedVacant
30 May, 10:38
Some of the people on Instagram even me received reports on suspicious activity when I haven't posted for weeks. Am monitoring it along with others to see what could happen. Account on instagram safe or not. I've been busy drawing comic works. I'm not worried because I can easily upload my comic works here. And show them off to colleges and universities in person. True social media is on the decline from what my friends are showing me. So let's see what happens to my Instagram account. #InstagramBehavior #Vtubercomic #VtuberBioWeapon

It's quite empty here..

Huh, nothing could be found for '{{search_query}}', Try searching for something else?