Administrator temporarily pinned
shaybun @shaybun
04 April, 11:33
Look at this lil clown pfp i made for april fools! Also went back and edited a non clown version >:3

#AprilFools #VTubers
Amanda_the_ghost @Amanda_the_ghost
05 May, 01:29
Stars and stripes, the best characters in this travesty of a superhero story already got a super rushed and scuffed treatment in the manga
hoped the anime,like animes always do stretch it paperthin, but no, the one time i want anime to do that and they make it manga accurate
Alex @Alexwhoisgay
02 April, 12:49
Good morning, chat! Hope life's treating ya'll as well as it's treating me. Woke up at some random time last night and then went downstairs and watched hazbin hotel tik toks until i couldnt stay awake :3 my sleep haz-bin worse (hehe- you know...cause- has been- hazbin hotel-? im gonna stop now) lately, and i assume its just cause of the stress and drama thats going on in my life right now.

Also! I need some more cute/wholesome animes and manga to start, so let me know a few down below! ^^

Daily post as always, and i hope yall have a wonderful day
VTubers Universe @vtubersuniverse
28 February, 04:26
O Anime Onegai Brasil tem a sua própria VTuber Brasileira!
Conheça Kyami, uma garota jaguatirica (e ovo virtual) que adora conversar sobre animes 📺

[EN] The Anime Onegai has its own Brazilian VTuber!
Meet #kyamionegai, an ocelot girl who loves talking about anime.

#VTubersUniverse #VTubers #animes
Yuelio @Yuelio
19 December, 05:16
100 Posts! and we´ll keep trying our best. I´m so glad you also like romance and comedy animes!
otaku binary オタクバイナリ @otakubinary
18 October, 12:26
Nice Fall Anime Season

Animes of this season that i'm watching

- Frieren
- Spy Family Season 2
- Shy
- 16bit Sensation: Another Layer
otaku binary オタクバイナリ @otakubinary
02 October, 06:50
Stella Vtuber @Stellaa_vtuber
28 August, 12:42
otaku binary オタクバイナリ @otakubinary
23 August, 05:58
Animes que estoy viendo esta temporada:
- Sukimega
- Dark Gathering
- Jujutsu Kaisen S2
- Liar Liar (Este esta bien pero me decepciono un poquito, esperaba otra cosa aunque el diseño de personajes mola)
- Mushoku S2
- Temple
Cult Leader Bagel @TheFrigidBagel
18 August, 09:49
People make fun of animes that have the trope of "normal loser gets loads of girls" - but isn't that basically the plot for most chick-flicks? Just like, reversed roles?
otaku binary オタクバイナリ @otakubinary
16 August, 07:49
otaku binary オタクバイナリ @otakubinary
30 June, 05:47
#anime #ESVtuber #ENVtuber
otaku binary オタクバイナリ @otakubinary
21 June, 05:29
GabusDes @GabusDes
13 June, 06:03
Gente hace rato no digo nada por acá, pero quería avisar de que hoy sale directo exactamente dentro de una hora, 16:00 hora argentina, luego del speedrun de honkai sale just chating haciendo tier list de openings de animes de temporada primavera 2023, los espero.
#anime #VTubers #Twitch
otaku binary オタクバイナリ @otakubinary
03 May, 08:31
Animes Dropped in myanimelist
Should I give them another chance?

One Piece is here because it is very long .... 👀
#otakubinary #vTuber #ENVtuber #ESVtuber
Jessikirby..._ 👾🌐 @Jessikirby
31 March, 11:29
Oiii, sou a Jessikirby 👾🌐💗
Vtuber que veio do mundo dos pixels para fazer lives divertidas e conhecer PixelAmigxs ✨

Nossas pixelives são divertidas e nostálgicas. Jogamos e conversamos sobre games indies, pixel art, animes, cosplay, eventos geeks e +..._

🔗 Links
🟩 [Todos os links]
💌 Contato: [email protected]
Take2Action @Take2Action
01 January, 06:10
Happy new year everyone, stay tuned for more~

Art by Animeshowfan on bird app

It's quite empty here..

Huh, nothing could be found for '{{search_query}}', Try searching for something else?