YukiVT @YukiVT
30 March, 11:25
Oh and another thing, I got comms opened
I make 3D models for vtuners (if you find that your isn't very complex or too classic, come see me)

My comms page is in french but it tells things like :
My comms are opened. I work whenever I can because I'm still a student.
My prices fluctuate according to the model complexity (~150-300(maybe more))
And other things, come in pms if you need anything
YukiVT @YukiVT
22 April, 01:29
Hello guys
Long time not post
YukiVT @YukiVT
30 March, 11:22
Hey guys
Wanted to know, what is your favorite character ? It's not important from what sort of series it come from
Just, post some pics under there

No judging, no harassment because someone like this one or this one character
Just love, and peace
YukiVT @YukiVT
30 March, 11:25
Oh and another thing, I got comms opened
I make 3D models for vtuners (if you find that your isn't very complex or too classic, come see me)

My comms page is in french but it tells things like :
My comms are opened. I work whenever I can because I'm still a student.
My prices fluctuate according to the model complexity (~150-300(maybe more))
And other things, come in pms if you need anything
YukiVT @YukiVT
30 March, 11:22
Hey guys
Wanted to know, what is your favorite character ? It's not important from what sort of series it come from
Just, post some pics under there

No judging, no harassment because someone like this one or this one character
Just love, and peace
YukiVT @YukiVT
29 March, 07:59
so, for you to get to know me
I'll post some things I love
Starting by Miku Nakano (this is only a few pics of her I have in my phone)
YukiVT @YukiVT
29 March, 03:29
Du coup j'ai un compte ici
Je posterais sur Twitter jusqu'a ce que Musk décide de laisser la FYP uniquement aux subs Twitter blue
Après je viendrais ici