RED_117 @RED_117
17 January, 07:32
Replying to Aura Solanys's Post
ngl pfp pretty cute
ProblematicSwag @ProblematicSwag
03 June, 01:02
The YouTube Shorts algorithm is a foreign creature to me. A fun clip of something cool in Yakuza will get like 8 views, and then a random Mario Kart clip will pop the fuck off for over 1K views.
ProblematicSwag @ProblematicSwag
04 June, 07:37
I'm pretty happy where I'm at with YouTube. Shorts do decent enough, and Twitch VOD archives are spaced about 3-4 weeks from the original stream.

I keep my bar for success as a content creator low on purpose so I don't disappoint myself.

I mark 6-10 average viewers a successful stream because if I had 10 people watching me at an arcade, that meant I was really good.

That perspective of physical presence I think is something a lot of creators lose sight of when they're starting out, but it's important to stay centered during the content creation grind.