Administrator temporarily pinned
nekoli @nekoli
18 October, 11:43
Hey everyone, sorry for the lack of updates.

Developing for three different platforms, web, ios, and android, were really taking a toll on me and when the yearly renewal for apple's developer program came up, I didn't end up paying it due to the cost and the site really not making enough on its own to afford it.

I am thinking of resuming updates, however only for the web, since it's easily accessible from all devices. Please let me know what you'll like to see, either through this thread or our discord.

Thank you.
ShamanicWolf @ShamanicWolf
25 October, 11:31
Tonight we join Wildwolf89001 in some witty matches! Time to Release the Killer Instinct once more! Join in! #vTuber #NowPlaying #KillerInstinct
ShamanicWolf @ShamanicWolf
24 May, 05:03
Did a secret Killer Instinct stream as a test tonight. Happy to say I think I resolved the issues I was having! Shoutout to 3keala for the raid and all the secret follows! Spirits Bless! #vTuber #ENVtuber #KillerInstinct
ShamanicWolf @ShamanicWolf
19 May, 03:47
The Wolf Spirit Blesses us with Sabrewulf! A lot of fun trying out the game as well as fighting AgentsCarnage and @Wildwolf89001! I will see what I can do in terms of scheduling a tournament lol. Shoutout to FireboyVtuber for the raid as well! Spirits Bless! #KillerInstinct
ShamanicWolf @ShamanicWolf
18 May, 10:56
Tonight I felt like breaking out of the regular stuff and trying out a game that caught my eye. Mortal Kombat in style and with a killer soundtrack! Killer Instinct is LIVE! #vTuber #ENVtuber #NowPlaying #KillerInstinct

It's quite empty here..

Huh, nothing could be found for '{{search_query}}', Try searching for something else?