Administrator temporarily pinned
nekoli @nekoli
18 October, 11:43
Hey everyone, sorry for the lack of updates.

Developing for three different platforms, web, ios, and android, were really taking a toll on me and when the yearly renewal for apple's developer program came up, I didn't end up paying it due to the cost and the site really not making enough on its own to afford it.

I am thinking of resuming updates, however only for the web, since it's easily accessible from all devices. Please let me know what you'll like to see, either through this thread or our discord.

Thank you.
Dogs4life @Dogs4life
10 January, 07:53
Fanfiction: SpyxFamily
coming soon
Keelie Kitsune @KeelieKitsune
28 December, 02:52
We're making Collaterall's fanfic dream come true and profit off the merch in Sensei I like you so much!
#Twitch #vTuber #ENVtuber #Vtuberuprising #VTubersAreStillWatching #VTUBERSUPPORTCHAIN
12 September, 12:09
#Fanfic #Fanfiction #LowIntensityFanficReview #ENVtuber #PNGtuber

Tales of the 51st Millennium By: Soraga
+ Funny
+ Interesting

Omakes and side-stories of the main universe, everything collected inside ranges from hilarious jokes to interesting lore dumps and fascinating world building. Quite a pleasant read, and at 12k words, quite digestible.
12 September, 12:07
#Fanfic #Fanfiction #LowIntensityFanficReview #ENVtuber #PNGtuber

Code Geass 50k: Lelouch of the Imperium By: Soraga

+ Awesome action
+ Grand scale engagements and insane stakes
+ Nice humor
+ KalLulu AND CCLulu
- Over a decade in the making, updates are not predictable

The end times are upon the Galaxy, with Chaos battering their way into the last major bastion of the Materium, the Imperium of Man. The Black Knights return from the depths of space in force to aid the defense of Sol, and with their return all the pieces are in place for the revival of The Emperor.
15 August, 12:40
#Fanfic #Fanfiction #LowIntensityFanficReview #ENVtuber #PNGtuber

Shortcuts To Power by Strike_Freedom
+ Fun Crossover
+ Fix-It elements
+ Excellent character struggles complimenting with the world
+ Badassery in bulk
+ Good humor

Vergil is clearing demons with Dante when he falls into an unfortunate trap, sending him across dimensions to the Cyberpunk universe. Significantly weakened, confused, and disgusted by what he finds, he loses control and expels energy he can't afford to. The changes his introduction to the world of Cyberpunk are far reaching and a constant motivator for him,
04 August, 09:14
Dare to Kiss (or Is the Kiss A Dare?) by Robster80
+ Sweet
+ Funny
+ Mineta and Bakugo bashing

Several of the students play truth or dare one night, and eventually Bakugo dares one of the girls to kiss Izuku. Each chapter after everything is set up is the results of different girls being picked by Bakugo. Every choice results in lovely romance, and it's all just very sweet.

#Fanfic #Fanfiction #LowIntensityFanficReview #ENVtuber #PNGtuber
25 July, 05:55
#Fanfic #Fanfiction #LowIntensityFanficReview #ENVtuber #PNGtuber

Fall Into Paradise by Paladin_Gears
- Small miscommunication trope, but it's right off the bat so it can sour the fic a bit
+ Funny
+ Horni

This fic is inspired by From the Heavens Into Heaven, and changes the girls in the bath to be pro heroes. The fic focuses more on the horni than the emotions, a relative inverse to the inspiration, and takes place over a few days instead of a single evening. This does allow for some more varied scene types and settings for the humor and horni, but does focus more on the horni overall.
24 July, 05:31
#Fanfic #Fanfiction #LowIntensityFanficReview #ENVtuber #PNGtuber

From the Heavens Into Heaven by Epsilon110, Jade_Kitsune
+ Funny
+ Some horni
+ Emotions

Izuku falls into the woman's bath after a classic Izuku mishap during training at the second year summer camp, and hilariously the girls give him a sleeping mask and tell him to get in the water. Izuku, being incredibly awkward and not being able to leave the bath without getting seen, relents. They immediately dive into a game of Truth and Dare, which is hilarious and delightfully emotional.
22 July, 07:03
#Fanfic #Fanfiction #LowIntensityFanficReview #ENVtuber #PNGtuber

Clouds in my Coffee By: Forever Day
+ Cute
+ Cozy
+ Seeing Artemis grapple with the struggles of the common man is always fun

An Artemis Fowl coffee shop AU, and surprisingly one of the few coffee shop AU's I've ever seen, is actually fairly believable. Artemis's mother forces him off into University so he can socialize, and Artemis ends up in the coffee shop Holly works in. It's fairly empty when he walks in and it's after his class so of course he'd prefer it to a Starbucks.
16 July, 07:54
#Fanfic #Fanfiction #LowIntensityFanficReview #ENVtuber #PNGtuber

"Strength" by Elliot Thorne (eNeoViking)
+ Polyship
+ Childhood fix-it fic
+ Very emotional

In this rather interesting setting, Mirko, Ryukuu, and Hawks are children at the same time Izuku was growing up. Hawks is the same age, while the other two are only a little older. The boys in elementary and the girls in middle school. The two girls come across Izuku when he's defending a kid from Bakugo, that flashback in canon I'm sure everyone remembers at least vaguely, and help him get home after Bakugo leaves.
04 July, 04:54
#Fanfic #Fanfiction #LowIntensityFanficReview #ENVtuber #PNGtuber

teeny tiny murder machines by Star_Going_Supernova
+ Adorable
+ Funny
+ Fluffy

The Monsterverse Titans suddenly gain the ability to shrink down to the size of regular animals. The hi jinks this leads to are as delightful as they sound, especially with the Titans being intelligent and sassy. There's a lot of chill, a lot of humor, a lot of adorableness, a surprising amount of emotions, and even some fun action. It's a delightful series!
02 July, 07:02
#Fanfic #Fanfiction #LowIntensityFanficReview #ENVtuber #PNGtuber

The Mystery of Midoriya Izuku by HopeNight
+ Izuku gets support
+ Bakugo gets consequences
+ Mineta's problems are mentioned several times, but he's still in the class until after the fic ends
+ World building tidbits
+ Many emotions
+ Always enjoy seeing Izuku and Momo interact, though it's off screen and something to imagine in the exams after the fic

In the lead up to the final exams, when the teachers are deciding the student teams, Aizawa decides to start asking questions.
01 July, 08:03
#Fanfic #Fanfiction #LowIntensityFanficReview #ENVtuber #PNGtuber

Wait, we can do that now? by Hazama_d20
+ Nice vibes
+ Funny
+ Danny/Ember, though it's not the main focus

Sam invites Dora out to join her for a goth poetry reading, and Danny and Tucker tag along as well. It goes well, and they stumble out of the store into a pride festival. Once they explain things to Dora, she quickly invites Sam to join her in the gardens and the two leave Danny and Tucker behind.
29 June, 08:43
ValerieOS Has Stopped Working by Hazama_d20
+ Sass
+ Minor hammerspace mockery

Valerie gets through a fight with Skulker only to get bodied by the Box Ghost. She lands in front of Danny, who is very unimpressed. The sass starts immediately and runs concurrently with Danny getting Valerie to let him run maintenance on her suit. The sass continues, and the situation gets more ridiculous from there. It's quite fun.

#Fanfic #Fanfiction #LowIntensityFanficReview #ENVtuber #PNGtuber
29 June, 12:03
#Fanfic #Fanfiction #LowIntensityFanficReview #ENVtuber #PNGtuber

Vini Vidi Vici. By SpeakerForTheDead
+ Interesting quirk
+ Ships I like
+ OP Izuku
+/- Slow burn (Nice to read a slower fic and more drawn out romance, but the fic hasn't been updated in a couple of years)
+ Good action
+ Momo costume redesign

Izuku gets checked for a quirk after nothing obvious manifests, and he's assured he has one by a doctor. However, that's not enough for Bakugo and everyone else. He experiences the same bullying and abuse growing up, with similar struggles at home.
15 June, 11:39
#Fanfic #Fanfiction #LowIntensityFanficReview #ENVtuber #PNGtuber

Partner by Logar3
+ Arkos
+ Fix-It fic
+ Good characterizations
An extra comment from Neptune during the dance gets Jaune thinking, and he manages to notice the incredibly obvious feelings Pyrrha has for him. There's some beautiful scenes at the dance, and then the end result of the romance is showcased during the fall of Beacon with the delightful fix-it ending!
14 June, 08:35
#Fanfic #Fanfiction #LowIntensityFanficReview #ENVtuber #PNGtuber

[Just Chatting] So I found out my classmate was a manwhore... (ft. 3-B girls) by M_Writer_Of_Stuff
+ Funny
+ A lot of smut
+ A surprising amount of fluff
+ Massive polyship

Reiko's stream gets interrupted by the sounds of Izuku and Setsuna having fun, and she reflects on why he's in the class B dorms while she tries to brush the noises off and gets bullied by her chat for losing when she's distracted. She's not altogether upset, but she does wonder why so many girls love him and
02 June, 07:49
One Half plus One Half by Hazama_d20
+ Emotional pain
Danny starts dating someone that isn't Sam, and she asks Tucker why he picked someone else. It explores some canon stuff that could cause some problems for the ship. It's quite interesting, ignoring the emotional pain.

#Fanfic #Fanfiction #LowIntensityFanficReview #ENVtuber #PNGtuber
28 May, 12:13
Gravitational Cascade by Epsilon110
+ Class realizes that Bakugo is a bully
+ Canon fix, in that the characters that have all the pieces actually put them together for once

A vent piece by the author, this fic is no less fun to read than had it been a planned out work. Hypocrisy gets called out, the class gets a better understanding of Izuku, and everyone gets the full truth. Delightful!

#Fanfic #Fanfiction #LowIntensityFanficReview #ENVtuber #PNGtuber
19 May, 06:26
#Fanfic #Fanfiction #LowIntensityFanficReview #ENVtuber #PNGtuber

New Horizons by DragonSlayer16
+ Izuku is a dramatic little shit
+ Bakugo gets to show off some growth
+ Funny
+ Ball gets rolling on dismantling Endeavor

Izuku crashes the pity party Bakugo is throwing with Shoto after the licensing exam, immediately after Yagi crashes it. Bakugo finally tosses his, at this point impressive, self control out the window, and gets tossed around like a doll by Izuku and his Merry Band of Loves.
18 May, 05:55
Declassified by DragonSlayer16
+ HPSC gets trashed
+ Sass
+ Fun character interactions

The HPSC lays out everything they know about the FoJ after Kamino, and gets ripped to pieces by their top heroes during the meeting. And it it delightful. There's some fun sass and some world building tid bits, with Izuku making a delightful appearance at the end of the fic. Not to mention a bird that likes collecting secrets!

#Fanfic #Fanfiction #LowIntensityFanficReview #ENVtuber #PNGtuber
17 May, 06:22
#Fanfic #Fanfiction #LowIntensityFanficReview #ENVtuber #PNGtuber

Butterfly Effect by DragonSlayer16
+ Sass, as usual
+ Emotions
+ Such exciting consequences for Izuku's changes
+ Good action
+ Humor is a delight, as always

It's the Kamino Ward disaster, and Izuku has a dramatic plan as usual! While Bakugo behaves a bit differently because of Izuku's changes, the changes are largely immaterial. Izuku and his group successfully managed to influence some UA students to try to save Bakugo, and everything goes according to plan until All Might shows up.
16 May, 04:18
Diverging Paths by DragonSlayer16

+ Great action
+ Surprising developments
+ Fun character interactions

Izuku and his Lovely Ladies intervene in the attack on the summer camp, saving many students from severe injury and denying AfO Search. They also pick up a couple more recruits, but their victory comes at a cost. AfO is more than a little frustrated with them, especially since he's learned that they all have multiple quirks. As usual in the series, this fic leaves so much to look forward to in the future!

#Fanfic #Fanfiction #LowIntensityFanficReview #ENVtuber #PNGtuber
15 May, 01:52
Shopping Episode by DragonSlayer16
+ Short, sweet, and fun

Another short installment in the series, this fic has Izuku and his merry band of revolutionaries out on a genuine shopping trip when Izuku runs into Gentle Criminal and La Brava about to film one of their videos. Izuku takes the opportunity to intimidate them, hand them a list of targets, and then drop a disgusting amount of advanced computer equipment and money into their apartment once their first hero corruption investigation video goes live. As usual, quite a bit of fun.

#Fanfic #Fanfiction #LowIntensityFanficReview #ENVtuber
04 May, 07:51
Pharaoh of the Kitchen by Hazama_d20
+ Sweet fluff
+ Pancakes!

Tucker cooks breakfast for Danny, Sam, and Jazz. Much sweetness, adorableness, and tired teenage sass all around.

#Fanfic #Fanfiction #LowIntensityFanficReview #ENVtuber #PNGtuber
01 May, 11:27
Livin' on a Prayer by Hazama_d20
+ Danny/Ember
+ Fluff

Ember overhears someone poorly playing the last song she listened to when she was alive, and she quickly flies to find the culprit. She's a bit surprised to find that it's Danny, but she shakes it off quickly. A crime against music needs to be rectified, so there's no time for squabbling. As they do a duet, she reminisces on how Danny's changed over time as the fic is loosely connected to some others the author has written. It's just a sweet little fic.

#Fanfic #Fanfiction #LowIntensityFanficReview #ENVtuber #PNGtuber
25 April, 08:07
#Fanfic #Fanfiction #LowIntensityFanficReview #ENVtuber #PNGtuber

A Good Look By: DunderMifflinite
+ Artemis/Holly
+ Lots of lovey dovey stuff
+ Yet another mistake from Artemis's past comes back to bite him, combines several aspects of canon in a creative way I haven't seen often

Holly falls and is saved when No1 dumps her into the timestream, with the intent of having her follow his magic back to him very quickly. She feels a pull from another point in time, and decides to check it out quickly, now that she has an insane amount of experience with time travel.
24 April, 01:43
#Fanfic #Fanfiction #LowIntensityFanficReview #ENVtuber #PNGtuber

Written by Heroes for Heroes by Epsilon110
+ Crack
+ Funny
+ Sweet

Izuku writes fanfiction, even when he's a pro hero, and he gets an urge to write about Ochako. She finds it, and not knowing Izuku wrote it, asks for an Izuku/Ochako fic. Izuku panics a little, but agrees. Mina finds that fic, and shares it in a Class A group chat. She then asks for a Mina/Izuku fic, and Izuku is a bit confused but after some chatting agrees. This cycle continues with all the other girls, a few commissioning some smut even, before Asui finds it
18 April, 07:26
All This for New Clothes by Hazama_d20
+ Danny and Vlad interacting
+ World building
+ Halfa powers are neat

Danny needs a small favor from Vlad, and the old man ends up teaching Danny a few tricks about being a halfa along the way. So many interesting possibilities and necessities regarding ghost powers for halfas... The two are an amusing duo, be it as mortal enemies or frenemies and seeing Danny learn how to compensate for the changes to his life after the accident is delightful.

#Fanfic #Fanfiction #LowIntensityFanficReview #ENVtuber #PNGtuber
17 April, 08:30
#Fanfic #Fanfiction #LowIntensityFanficReview #ENVtuber #PNGtuber

The UA girls by Epsilon110
+ Funny
+/- Ongoing/unfinished Dekubowl
+ Nice and chill
+ Bakugo gets consequences, Aizawa and All Might's teaching inadequacies get called out

Mina makes a group chat to figure out who she's crushing on. It doesn't take too long for all the girls to crush on the same person. The process is lovely and hilarious. In addition, UA being a university, loads of professional heroes are also in a group chat and talk about them crushing on Izuku.

It's quite empty here..

Huh, nothing could be found for '{{search_query}}', Try searching for something else?