Lord_Vermire @Lord_Vermire
06 January, 02:31
POV: You're doubting your self worth
#Memes #vTuber #vtubermeme
Lord_Vermire @Lord_Vermire
06 January, 04:03
Playing with tentacles is fun. You should try it sometime
#lewdtubers #Lewdtuber #vermlewd
nekoli @nekoli
02 January, 02:19
Hey all, hope you had a happy new years, what are your plans for this one? Hope it goes the best it can for all of you!
shiranui_bzw @shiranui_bzw
30 December, 11:06
Well, I created this account and started posting here on a whim.

But how do people discover me on this platform? I've even gained some followers. How does this whole thing work, exactly? I am confused.
Lizardguy @Lizardguy
30 December, 11:30
Replying to shiranui_bzw's Post
I don't remember how I found you specifically, but tagging helps I'm sure.
Page D\'Maj @Page_DMaj
31 December, 01:12
Replying to shiranui_bzw's Post
You post, that's how it should work, there's not much to go around tho, for now. I'm sure with the option of paid content and ads more peeps are going to show up, here's to 2024
Lord_Vermire @Lord_Vermire
30 December, 06:47
Gen alpha be like
#Memes #vTuber #VtuberMemes
Page D\'Maj @Page_DMaj
30 December, 12:15
Replying to Alethila 💙🐎's Post
I know don't worry, I'm not from twitter. 😉
nekoli @nekoli
29 December, 02:50
Replying to Alethila 💙🐎's Post
Of course
Cinder the Fox 🦊🔥 @FirestormFox
29 December, 06:08
Replying to Alethila 💙🐎's Post
the hands and arms don’t move right at all
Claydragon1212 @Claydragon1212
29 December, 05:30
Replying to Alethila 💙🐎's Post
Good, good.
Page D\'Maj @Page_DMaj
29 December, 12:26
Replying to Alethila 💙🐎's Post
Page D\'Maj @Page_DMaj
29 December, 12:25
Replying to Alethila 💙🐎's Post
The only options are horny or asexual... what if...hear me out on this...you're neither horny not asexual?
Don't get me wrong, I AM asexual but just thought that might be a possibility.
nekoli @nekoli
29 December, 07:38
Would you guys like separate tabs on the homefeed for recommended and following?



27 people voted
Lord_Vermire @Lord_Vermire
29 December, 07:53
Music fans be like
#Memes #vTuber #VtuberMemes
Lord_Vermire @Lord_Vermire
24 December, 09:45
🐮 Guess who's playing the cult game again 🐮
⬇️ L1nk 4 stweam bewo owo ⬇️
#vTuber #ENVtuber #Destiny2
Alyss and Dusty🏳️‍⚧️.. @Alyssanddusty
25 December, 07:38
I'm realizing my outfit reveal doesn't work as well on dark mode-
Claydragon1212 @Claydragon1212
25 December, 07:30
Think about you actions NOW lol idk
Yed Yasha 🪶🚪Night-Ow.. @yedyasha
26 December, 01:20
wanna do it under the missile toad?
Jake Blake @JakeBlakeCatboy
26 December, 01:38
*happy alcoholic, caffeine addicted nerd noises*
Lord_Vermire @Lord_Vermire
26 December, 02:41
My family was super generous this year
My siblings will be coming next week to do the unwrapping of their stuff. And some really cool friends gifts will be coming soon too apparently
❄️ Eviria ❄️// Half .. @Eviria
26 December, 03:04
Merry Christmas, Snowdrops!! I hope you have a great rest of your holiday season~ 💙❄️🤍

26 December, 01:46
"I think people are genuinely flabbergasted when it finally clicks that you just don’t care about their opinion.

Them: You do NSFW content. I wouldn’t fuck you.

You: I don’t want you to want to fuck me. You’re unkind and presumptuous. Why would I want you to want to fuck me? 😄"

- TeacupAudio

#goodmorning #GoodVibes #Quoteoftheday #ENVtuber #PNGtuber
Fortuna Tu ⬜ @FortunaTu
26 December, 04:57
How does one exist at the end of the year?
Choco Ichigo @chocoichigo
27 December, 12:27
I hope everyone had a lovely holiday!

stay Safe and Stay Sweet
Cinder the Fox 🦊🔥 @FirestormFox
27 December, 12:56
I wish I knew what the problem was

is it the proportions?
CatersHime @CatersHime
27 December, 02:36
Sorry for dropping off the earth I took a trip to Vegas, my son had his appendix removed and then I caught a cold! It's been a rough month but we are catching up on the comms
May 🌊🐟 LVL99 Magikar.. @LVL99ShinyMagikarp
27 December, 02:35
The Lorax 2: Return of Jafar
Lizardguy @Lizardguy
27 December, 04:20
And a happy Birthday was had. Thanks for the participation all participants.
nekoli @nekoli
27 December, 08:34
I'm starting to test different implementations of Google Ads. If you see it popup in a way you don't like it or believe it could be much better, please let me know.

Also, Vmium ($5.99/mo), our Premium account implementation is now live. Right now it has the ability to hide all ads and add a cool little diamond badge to your name. I have plans for adding more ways to customize your profile through Vmium and more, however it will not end up being something you HAVE to get to succeed and vTubers.Me will always be free to use (for realz).

As always, feedback is appreciated, you lead the development of this platform.