vershl 🐰🏮 @vershl
22 April, 08:14
Oh? You've come to join me? Hope you're not too chilled this morning, ehe.

i've had this sketch in my back pocket for a few months and decided to finish it as a warmup, hope you enjoy 🏮
vershl 🐰🏮 @vershl
14 April, 04:43
Okami HD vods are being uploaded, part 1 is up~
Here's the playlist, hope you enjoy 🏮
thumbnail art by me 🐰
vershl 🐰🏮 @vershl
12 April, 08:35
gondolier pepino
vershl 🐰🏮 @vershl
11 April, 02:08
Stream starting! 🐰
We're continuing Okami HD, hop in~ 🏮
vershl 🐰🏮 @vershl
11 April, 01:06
Streaming in 1 hour 🏮
vershl 🐰🏮 @vershl
07 April, 05:02
Stream starting 🏮
Doing more of the art thing~ 🖌️
vershl 🐰🏮 @vershl
07 April, 04:11
Hi everyone! I keep forgetting to use this site, but I'm gonna try and post here as I do on Twitter. With that;

Art stream starting in 1 hour ~ 🏮