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shaybun @shaybun
04 April, 11:33
Look at this lil clown pfp i made for april fools! Also went back and edited a non clown version >:3

#AprilFools #VTubers
YED YASHA 🪶🚪 @yedyasha
25 April, 10:12
hilariously got hit by a car while riding a bike today...

#goodmorfterning #ouch
YED YASHA 🪶🚪 @yedyasha
05 April, 04:10
"was sleeping. at first, i thought the mailman and mother was being roudy upstairs,

but then the whole house started shaking..."

#earthquake #goodmorfterning
YED YASHA 🪶🚪 @yedyasha
30 March, 10:16

Tips from Yed:
“Just remember, if you ever think about stealing shopping carts, most stores have trackers hidden in them to keep track of where they are…”

YED YASHA 🪶🚪 @yedyasha
17 March, 06:52
Sorry, I’d hold your hand, but life has not been kind…

I’ll wear the gloves to hide them for now. 😶

#goodmorfterning #yyLore
YED YASHA 🪶🚪 @yedyasha
18 January, 04:48
MULTILINGUALS, don’t you love when monolinguals talk shit behind your back, thinking you don’t know their language, until you bomb-drop full sentences in their language and they stare at you in horror?

…good times ☺️

YED YASHA 🪶🚪 @yedyasha
15 January, 12:17
Yed’s Retail Arc: Episode 3

Customer: “You’re terrible at your job. I would know cuz I work at CVS. And I have a college degree.”

Yed: “Cool. What does a degree have to do with a minimum wage job?”

YED YASHA 🪶🚪 @yedyasha
29 November, 03:34
YED YASHA 🪶🚪 @yedyasha
17 November, 08:40
i realized with work and streaming, i've never took the time to relax and walk outdoors, so i went out to breathe and walk from the "standing-9-hours" ordeal. walking across town, i realized how small it is, especially when there are entire worlds out "there".

i hope with this break period, i can collect myself and start working properly. i've been feeling out of it for a bit, and it's about time i aligned myself again

YED YASHA 🪶🚪 @yedyasha
15 November, 06:09
mah little boi, doin' his best.

#goodmorfterning #yedyashART
YED YASHA 🪶🚪 @yedyasha
09 November, 07:58
Y'know those #isekai OP harem protagonists?

One day, I'd like to see this character, in his future, as a desolate, pitiful man, roaming through the alleyways of poverty, a walking Job, having had too much, so it was all taken away...

#goodmorfterning #storytelling
YED YASHA 🪶🚪 @yedyasha
07 November, 08:41

Juxtaposition makes #storytelling really interesting.

There are narrative elements writers like to use, like wealth v poverty, dark v light, but I love it especially in CHARACTERS' traits and motivations. It can be a conflict of two identities coming into one, i.e. the character themselves, or simply an archetype of an existing idea, but with a twist.

Genshin does this well, for example, with Diona, the cat-girl bartender of Cat's Tail. Although her hatred for the wine industry is clear, it's immediately conflicted with her-

YED YASHA 🪶🚪 @yedyasha
06 November, 08:55

in some #isekai or fantasy manga, the MC is thrust thousands of years into the future of their world and they see how backwards the society's development of magic is, only attaining a small fraction of power in the MC's original time.

i haven't watched it yet, but i saw a clip in #frieren about how people starting researching a demon's immovable #magic spell, and 80 years later, were able to render it useless, showing about civilization's growth in magic over time.

YED YASHA 🪶🚪 @yedyasha
04 November, 05:42
In the spirit of Thanksgiving, tell me, what are you thankful for?
YED YASHA 🪶🚪 @yedyasha
31 October, 08:00
"Chekhov's Gun" is a term describing that every detail in a story is relevant.

“Remove everything that has no relevance to the story.”
-Anton Chekhov

I believe that in every story, in slice-of-life or epic adventures, EVERYTHING DETAIL SHOULD MATTER.

(even if a story has fanservice, if one can find a way to make it relevant to the story, even boobies are bulletproof against the ol' iron)

#goodmorfterning #storytelling
YED YASHA 🪶🚪 @yedyasha
13 October, 08:31
#Nintendo #goodmorfterning
YED YASHA 🪶🚪 @yedyasha
03 October, 09:12
what's a good isekai without your typical "rescue the princess/merchant from bandits the moment you reincarnate" trope?

(that's rhetorical, but feel free to go cutthroat)

#isekai #goodmorfterning
YED YASHA 🪶🚪 @yedyasha
25 September, 05:04
i recently got into collecting cards.
a modest start, but i like some of these

what's collections are you proud of?

#goodmorfterning #collection #Questionoftheday
YED YASHA 🪶🚪 @yedyasha
10 September, 10:18
i recall watching "My Isekai Life".
typical OP MC, no character as usual.

but what angered me was his MP would go NEGATIVE,
pulling power from... where?
and he's fine after sleeping a bit?!

(but the slimes were adorable at least)

#rant #goodmorfterning

It's quite empty here..

Huh, nothing could be found for '{{search_query}}', Try searching for something else?