Ricardo B. Cruz @ricardobcruzvt
06 September, 11:41
Mine fault! I forgot to post announcing that I WAS on live.
I finished the #ReturnToMonkeyIsland, next Friday I'll start #TheCurseOfMonkeyIsland.
Have this post stream.
#vTuber #VtuberBR #malevtuber
Ricardo B. Cruz @ricardobcruzvt
05 September, 09:06
I'm live!
Drawing the destroyer Olinda class! Come to see the shape I'll give to the warship.
#vTuber #VtuberBR #malevtuber
Ricardo B. Cruz @ricardobcruzvt
03 September, 09:04
I'm live!
Drawing a Guanabara-class destroyer! What shape will I give this fictional ship? Just watch to find out!
#vTuber #VtuberBR #malevtuber
Ricardo B. Cruz @ricardobcruzvt
01 September, 09:05
I'm live!
Playing #LastTrainHome! The legionaries' journey to Vladivostok is far to be finished!
#vTuber #VtuberBR #malevtuber
Ricardo B. Cruz @ricardobcruzvt
30 August, 09:02
I'm live on Twitch!
Playing the #ReturnToMonkeyIsland! Come and watch me playing the journey of Guybrush Threepwood!
#VTubers #VtuberBR #malevtuber
Ricardo B. Cruz @ricardobcruzvt
30 August, 08:33
Thanks to the bald, I'll start to use this platform now.
Ricardo B. Cruz @ricardobcruzvt
31 May, 10:11
It's finished! New chapter of my book, Ritterinnen Project: Iron Curtain!
PT: https://wattpad.com/story/3682...
EN: https://wattpad.com/story/3682...
#VtuberBR #Vtuberuprising #wattpad #VirtualWriter #EscritorVirtual
Ricardo B. Cruz @ricardobcruzvt
24 May, 08:47
Forgot to post here. 2 days ago, I published a video where I tell the tales I created, and the first is called The Legend of Nuclear Battleship Serpe. Hope you guys love it.
#vTuber #VtuberBR
Contos de um mundo alternativo A lenda do encouraçado nuclear Serpe - YouTube

Este é um conto em áudio de histórias que eu criei. Você não precisa assistir ao vídeo, apenas ouvir.Constancy Part 1 - The Descent de Kevin MacLeod é licenc...

Ricardo B. Cruz @ricardobcruzvt
19 May, 04:52
I published a video where I talk about situation and difficulty I'm facing at this moment. And I can't overcome it alone.
For those who are ill-intended, go ahead and farm your 15 minutes of fame.
Desabafo e motivo do hiato - YouTube

Vgens dos artistasUmine: https://vgen.co/AmiralUmineRio Artwork: https://vgen.co/rioartwork

Ricardo B. Cruz @ricardobcruzvt
15 May, 10:49
Now my books have covers.
For anyone who wants to know me better, they will have to read the book. When I start streaming again, then we can talk about my story/lore.
PT: https://wattpad.com/story/3682...
EN: https://wattpad.com/story/3682...

#VTubers #VtuberUpsiring #VtuberBR
Ricardo B. Cruz @ricardobcruzvt
07 May, 12:05
I just published a new chapter of the book of my lore.
Warning: OP Protagonist (that's me), that you might hate it.
#Vtuberuprising #VtuberBR #malevtuber
Ricardo B. Cruz @ricardobcruzvt
02 May, 12:09
I finished writing the prologue of my book that tells the #Lore of me and my world, as well its story. The name of the work is Ritterinnen Project: Iron Curtain, published on platform Scribble Hub.
#Vtuberuprising #malevtuber
Ricardo B. Cruz @ricardobcruzvt
22 April, 01:08
Should I stream #minecraft instead of This is the Police II? Know that this is the experience of a former player returning to the game, I stopped playing in 1.10 or 1.12.
#vTuber #VtuberBR #VtubersUprising
Ricardo B. Cruz @ricardobcruzvt
22 April, 01:08
Será que faço streams de #minecraft no lugar de This is the Police II? Saiba que é a experiência de um ex-jogador retornando ao jogo, eu parei de jogar no 1.10 ou 1.12.
#vTuber #VtuberBR #VtubersUprising
Ricardo B. Cruz @ricardobcruzvt
19 April, 01:10
Relembrando: Hoje não vou fazer stream por causa de um compromisso que será bem na hora que faria a stream.

Remembering: Today I'm not going to stream because of a commitment that will be right at the time I was going to stream.
#vTuber #VtubersUprising #VtuberBR
Ricardo B. Cruz @ricardobcruzvt
17 April, 10:52
It's been 10 days since I received the strange eggs. I have been monitoring the incubators and placing the eggs in the light to see if they are developing.
Now I have no more doubts, the eggs are fertilized, all five of them. It is possible to see the embryo!
#VTubers #VtuberBR #Vtuberuprising
Ricardo B. Cruz @ricardobcruzvt
17 April, 10:51
Já faz 10 dias desde que recebi os estranhos ovos. Estive monitorando as incubadoras e colocando os ovos na luz para ver se está se desenvolvendo.
Agora não tenho mais dúvidas, os ovos são fertilizados, todos os cincos. É possível ver o embrião!
#VTubers #VtuberBR #Vtuberuprising
Ricardo B. Cruz @ricardobcruzvt
15 April, 11:32
Oh man! I think I already know what forfeit I'm going to pay when I reach 100 followers on Twitch! I'll play a horror game chosen by the community!
For those who don't know, I hate horror games and I'm a scary cat.
#vTuber #VtuberBR #malevtuber #Vtuberuprising #PNGtuber
Ricardo B. Cruz @ricardobcruzvt
15 April, 11:32
Ai ai viu! Acho que já sei qual poderia ser a prenda que vou pagar quando eu chegar aos 100 seguidores na Twitch! Eu jogar um jogo de terror escolhido pela comunidade!
Para os que não sabem, eu detesto jogos de terror e eu me borro com facilidade.
#vTuber #VtuberBR #malevtuber #PNGtuber #VtubersUprising
Ricardo B. Cruz @ricardobcruzvt
15 April, 04:50
Today's stream is Last Train Home. I have already entered inhospitable and frigid Siberia, will I be able to lead the legionnaires to Vladivostok? If you want to find out, then show up at 5 PM (GMT -3) today and don't forget to follow me on Twitch!
#vTuber #VtuberBR #PNGtuber #malevtuber #Vtuberuprising
Ricardo B. Cruz @ricardobcruzvt
15 April, 04:49
A stream de hoje é de Last Train Home. Já adentrei na inóspita e frígida Sibéria, será que conseguirei liderar os legionários até Vladivostok? Se quer descobrir, então apareça às 17:00 de hoje e não se esqueça de me seguir na Twitch!
#vTuber #VtuberBR #PNGtuber #malevtuber #Vtuberuprising
Ricardo B. Cruz @ricardobcruzvt
14 April, 08:06
Estou em live! Desenhando o cruzador leve classe São Cristóvão!

I'm on live! Drawing the light cruiser São Cristóvão-class!

#vTuber #VtuberBR #PNGtuber #Vtuberuprising #malevtuber #drawing #Warship
Ricardo B. Cruz @ricardobcruzvt
14 April, 12:13
Não postei isso ontem porque já estava muito cansado, então vou postar agora.
Pra quem gosta de trama, cinemática, e história, precisa dar uma chance ao This is the Police II. Quem quiser ter um gostinho do que tem no jogo, assista minha stream, seja no Youtbe ou Twitch.
Links na thead.

I didn't post this yesterday because I was already too tired, so I'll post it now.
For those who like plot, cinematics, and history, you need to give This is the Police II a chance. If you want to get a taste of what's in the game, watch my stream, whether on Youtube or Twitch.
Links on thread.
Ricardo B. Cruz @ricardobcruzvt
12 April, 08:03
Estou em live! Pegue uma xícara de café e se aconchegue! Agora com comando !clip

I'm on live! Grab a cup of coffee and snuggle up! Now with !clip command
Ricardo B. Cruz @ricardobcruzvt
12 April, 07:30
Hoje tem stream de Sniper Elite 5 às 17:00, e dessa vez não vai ter problemas de FPS porque estou equipado com a RX 6600. Vamos ver como ela se sai na stream de hoje!

Today there's a Sniper Elite 5 stream at 5:00 PM (GMT -3), and this time there won't be any FPS problems because I'm equipped with the RX 6600. Let's see how it does in today's stream!

#vTuber #VtuberBR #PNGtuber #VtubersUprising
Ricardo B. Cruz @ricardobcruzvt
11 April, 05:48
Hoje estou livre o dia todo, será que aproveito para fazer stream?

Today I'm free all day, should I take the opportunity to stream?
#VTubers #VtuberBR
Ricardo B. Cruz @ricardobcruzvt
11 April, 12:30
Aos poucos estou evoluindo em como usar melhor a Twitch. Acabei de adicionar o comando clip, agora qualquer um pode clipar.

Bit a bit I'm evolving in how to use better the Twitch. I just added the command clip, now anyone can clip.
#Vtuberuprising #VtuberBR #vTuber
Ricardo B. Cruz @ricardobcruzvt
10 April, 12:06
What is that? Why eggs appeared in my house? And why there is 5 incubators as well? 😳
Seems there is only one thing to do and discover what are these eggs, I don't know how much time they will take to hatch. 😑
After further analysis, the eggs measure 15 cm and there is no known species would lay such eggs, should I be worried? 😰
Welp, that's it, I'll be taking care of these eggs. I just hope they are fertilized, because I'm anxious to see which creatures will come from them. 😊
#VTubers #VtuberBR #PNGtuber #Vtuberuprising
Ricardo B. Cruz @ricardobcruzvt
09 April, 07:56
Às 17:00 iniciarei a stream de Guns, Gore & Cannoli na Twitch. Se não é meu seguidor, me segue para não perder minhas streams!

At 5:00 PM I will start the Guns, Gore & Cannoli stream on Twitch. If you aren't my follower, follow me to not lose my streams!
#PNGtuber #VtuberBR #vTuber #Vtuberuprising
Ricardo B. Cruz @ricardobcruzvt
09 April, 11:47
Imperial salutations!
I'm Ricardo Beaufort Cruz, a retired Captain of Knightess (tank girls). I ended a journey in my life and now I'll start a new one, with anyone who'll be with me.
My content is mainly gameplays but I also did some streams where I draw ships (and maybe others vehicles in the future) and I have plans to increase my variety.
I'm available for online and offline collabs, I just don't play horror games. 😣
I have no oshi mark, yet, but I have some in mind but rn I'm focused in grow my channel an community.
My PNGtuber is made by Amiral Umine (or just Umine)
#vTuber #VtuberBR