Administrator temporarily pinned
nekoli @nekoli
15 May, 02:11
Anddd, we're back, this time on a fresh drive. Sorry it took a while. We had to spend time figuring out what went wrong and ensure all data was safe.

Backups are taken of course, but only want to use them if necessary.

If you would like to assist the platform in being less reliant on a single point of failure, you can upgrade your account to Vmium or support our ko-fi here:

Thank you for using vTubers.Me. c:
Moonliightartist @Moonliightartist
27 May, 08:58
Moonliightartist @Moonliightartist
17 April, 07:35
Yo Moonies! We're getting back into animations and this little kiwi bird will be in a future project! If you want to see more behind the scenes content, check out our Locals page! Plus, concrit is welcomed! #art #animation #GIF #birds #Artist100
Don Snowquarters @Snowquarters
15 January, 01:18
I'm going to be working on my content right away. I haven't done it in a while because I was busy with my pro wrestling matches. I do have a twitter/X account. I will be doing mini podcasts as part of the Red Vacant Comic Family. I'll be talking about my life, other things, ice cream, milkshake, I will be podcasting with @GoldenKiwi and @RedVacant about things that are going on. Bundle up. Stay inside. And hope you enjoy the content that I give. I'm going to make an egg nog milkshake now.
#vTuber #milkshake #VtuberContent
Red Vacant @RedVacant
27 October, 04:16
The new vtuber will appear sometime soon or saturday. Wanna thank @GoldenKiwi since he is in this image comic debut for this new vtuber. Already this new vtuber has a account. And from what this new vtuber is, she is a doctor, and a dentist. Look forward to when she appears officially, after I show off her debut. P.S. her comic/vtubing debut will contain nudity of the buttocks.
#NewVtuberDebut #Doctordentistvtuber #Thenewvtuber #VtubersDotMe
Violet Lime @VioletLime
14 October, 03:11
On video, I discuss about the decline of viewership on twitch, decline in livestreaming. Merryweather may quit vtubing, Froot Apricot, NWA, goldenfruitkiwi to unveil more outfits. More outfits than vtubers Murmaider, Zentreya, and Ironmouse. Decline of VShojo, AEW declining, the new vtuber, an old vtuber, and MORE. This is the preview.
#Discussionpreview #VShojo #livestream #AEW #wwe #NWA
Violet Lime @VioletLime
21 September, 04:19
I just learned that I have three new attires that are ready. I'll show them to you here when I have the free time. For now, just relaxing and recovering from my collab with @GoldenKiwi that game was challenging.
#BloodyRoarPrimalFury #VtuberLuchadorscollabing #vtubercollab #ENVtuber
Red Vacant @RedVacant
29 August, 12:54
So last night, me and @GoldenKiwi had to help a vtuber during livestream on why she was having double audio on. But she was able to do it after looking it up on Youtube and internet searches. Then me and him were thanked by her and her chat. After that, she was able to do her collab and things were back to normal.
#HelpingVtubersinneed #HelpingHand
Cody @lordkira2009
21 August, 08:31
I will introduce myself real quick as my first post. My name is Cody or you can call me Kiwi, Code-E (AI) or Codeman. i am an vtuber who is an human who might be an AI. I also do shoutouts to streamers or shoutouts to small streamers who need the love. If you would like to know more about me and my community just let me know and yes I do have an community discord but its an mess and not huge i plan to expanding it in the future!

Link for my discord server will be coming soon on my bio. You are all welcome to join the server!
Red Vacant @RedVacant
24 July, 06:46
So Twitter is now officially X. I'm glad I got @GoldenKiwi and @VioletLime out of that platform. The three of us are currently talking privately on discord about the future of social media. What will remain intact and what will go. And what is depleting.
#Discord #TwitterNowX #X #DiscordSocial #VtubersDiscord #VTubersMe
Kōmori Kujo | Pre-De.. @komokujo
02 July, 02:14
I tried making avocado toast and it didn’t work out, so I cut up some strawberries and kiwi and made toast with strawberry jam, then my cat jumped on the counter and potentially ate some of it…after licking his butt…I’m so hungry 😭
Violet Lime @VioletLime
27 June, 02:55
I have an announcement. Me, @GoldenKiwi and @RedVacant have been invited and we are going to comic con! If you ask what we will do there, we'll just be browsing around, hanging out with celebrities, get their autographs, have their photos taken with us. I'll be a blast. Plus, if there are any merchandise, like souvenirs, we'll buy them. About time too. I miss going there. We're going to be going with an artist on Instagram who is a pro wrestler who we met at the PGA tour. He has a vtuber model that Red made, but hasn't used yet. So it will be a blast.
#comiccon #Vtubersinvadecomiccon
Red Vacant @RedVacant
03 June, 01:36
The plan is to work on comic episodes that I am planning. Like rivalries, documentaries, highlights, all that. But first, storyline for one of the vtubers that shows who he is. And of course, a new story for another vtuber. @VioletLime your storyline is in the works. GoldenFruitKiwi you will have a new story.
Violet Lime @VioletLime
29 May, 04:32
As confirmed by AEW, the late Mr. Brodie Lee, or in WWE as Luke Harper, will be in the AEW video game. Brodie Lee died on December 26, 2020 from Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis. A rare lung condition that stiffens and scars the lungs. Making them look white. GoldenFruitKiwi senpai, @RedVacant your late friend is in the game. #AEWFightForever #BrodieLeeConfirmed #RIPBrodieLee #VideoGame
Violet Lime @VioletLime
19 May, 04:17
GoldenFruitKiwi Senpai. WWE is considering a Lucha Libre show. #LuchaLibre
Red Vacant @RedVacant
06 May, 11:57
All right. The comic of my new attire that is official is completed. Will upload when the time is right. Now to work on two backgrounds for @VioletLime since he needs backgrounds. And promised GoldenFruitKiwi that I would help him create a new outfit for him. Along with two comic episodes for him that he pitched to me. With that, let's get to it. #vTuber #Comic #art #drawing
Red Vacant @RedVacant
16 April, 05:02
@VioletLime is now on I had the pleasure of designing his model. That model was originally supposed to be GoldenFruitKiwi's model, but I rejected it and gave Golden the model that suited him. Violet covers topics that made the news. Along with ranking manga and comics. Also anime as well. You may have seen him in my comic called 'Where Vtubers Go when they Graduate.' Here, he talks with me about Monster Energy Drink going after Manga books that have 'Monster' in it. He showed me the video, I respond. #Monster #MonsterMusume #VioletLime #vTuber #PNGtuber
Golden Kiwi @GoldenKiwi
08 April, 11:08
Lucha Knights, I have uploaded my clips on Instagram. I will shorten the clips at a later time, and then upload them to tiktok. Depending on what happens to tiktok. I don't want to upload them on youtube because Youtube has problems. It is private. So if you want to watch, follow me there. It's 7 minutes to 9 minutes and 30 seconds for the 3 clips. Feel the Lucha!
#VtuberLucha #vTuber #Instagram #WWEDayofReckoning #PNGtuber
Shiiya @ShiiyaSuzukaze
07 April, 02:49
Let's Shmoooov! Shmov until you can no more shmov.
Dance emote for me by If you want one go get one they up your shmoovin' game by 1000%
Red Vacant @RedVacant
06 April, 04:40
A friend of mine showed me that twitter changed the logo of the blue bird app to a dog. I am not making this up. I had to tell GoldenFruitKiwi on DM to not upload the comic that I worked on for him because of that new logo change. Well that f'ed everything up pretty much. Instead, I'll just show the images of what I made for Golden. And even describe what the story was supposed to be. Guess we can't call it the blue bird app anymore now that twitter is a dog logo. #Twitterdog #WTF #vTuber
Red Vacant @RedVacant
02 April, 05:39
Did a comic special episode with my friends GoldenFruitKiwi and Violet Lime. This episode is about where Vtubers go after they graduate. Never to be seen again. Me and my friends meet them. Music is Healing Forehead Touch from Nurse Love Obsession video game. Artwork and story by me. Red Vacant. #Vtubercomic #ENVtuber #Vtubercomicepisode #VtubersAreWatching #RedVacant #VtuberSpecial #vTuber #VtuberEpisode
Flora Kiiro @FloraKiiro
01 April, 02:45
Hi my name is Flora Kiiro! Im a Spring Bunny Vtuber! I dont have many memories about my life before the incident...BUT thats okay. Im ready to make new memories with you all and grow our little garden! 🌺
🎨Art Tag: #FlorasArt
🌺My Tag: #FloraKiiro
🎨Pfp: @/kiwi_artz on twt
♡ Twitch:
♡ Twitter:
♡ Tik Tok:
♡ Throne:
♡ Youtube:
♡ Discord:
Kiwi the Void Mother @kiwithepiratevt
31 March, 07:36
Hullo there! it is I, Kiwi, your favorite Void mother! I’m an ancient Eldritch sea monstrosity turned pirate mom! I’m checking this site out during these uncertain times in social media.
Red Vacant @RedVacant
20 March, 09:43
I'll be working on a comic episode called 'Twitter Graduation'. It means those that have officially left twitter for good and have no desire to return since that site causes a lot of drama. I'll work on it after I finish a comic series for GoldenFruitKiwi . #TwitterGraduation #deletetwitter
Red Vacant @RedVacant
17 March, 01:22
I did read the news about what might happen to tiktok, and I hope it doesn't get banned. Tiktok is the easiest place to stream live and upload videos compared to twitch, trovo, and other platforms. If it does, fret not, my comic episodes will be uploaded here. Probably in parts. But as for my friend, GoldenFruitKiwi I'll help him on where he can upload his video game videos. But it won't be Youtube. So I'll look, but tiktok is the best bet. #Tiktok #Twitch #vTuber #YouTube
Red Vacant @RedVacant
10 March, 02:54
I was able to create 10 attires for myself when I record the episodes. I will also be making comic episodes for myself, for my friend, goldenfruitkiwi, along with a new vtuber that is debuting. I will also have an announcement that is in the works. Look forward to it when I'm free. #RedVacantattire #vTuber #VtuberOutfits #Debut
Golden Kiwi @GoldenKiwi
27 December, 11:50
Lucha Lucha! Hello Lucha Knights! Golden Kiwi here! Fruit is my middle name! I am the leader of the Fruit clan because I am the highest Vitamin C ever in all of fruit history. I will be streaming retro games while I try to chat. I am getting used to this site. I am a luchador. I hope all of you enjoy the content I will offer. I have autism and I sometimes have to slow down in what I say. Nice to meet all of you. Feel the Lucha! #PNGtuber #Autism #vTuber #VtubersUprising

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