ShamanicWolf pinned
ShamanicWolf @ShamanicWolf
22 December, 01:33
Greetings and Spirits Bless my friends! I am Shamanic Wolf, a Werewolf Shaman Vtuber! I am a variety Streamer who enjoys gaming and chill vibes! Feel free to follow and Join the Shaman Pack! #vTuber #ENVtuber #VtuberUprsing #Werewolf #Shaman
ShamanicWolf @ShamanicWolf
09 February, 06:15
So much fun being able to play Titanfall 2 and make new friends! Thank you guys for joining in on the fun! Shoutout to @MechaRaptorOmega for the raid and DarkAtlas19 for joining the fight! We raided into a new friend @Goth6irl! Spirits Bless! #vTuber #Titanfall2
ShamanicWolf @ShamanicWolf
09 February, 12:56
Tonight, I want to have a little fun and go back to a game that I thoroughly enjoyed revisiting. Tonight, I will train on some Titanfall 2 with my boy Ronin, as well as try out some other titans for the heck of it. Let's Go! #vTuber #NowPlaying #Titanfall2
ShamanicWolf @ShamanicWolf
08 February, 06:15
Lots of good hunts, really cool fights, and even had my good friend AReiMD join me for the final few hours! Thank you guys for joining in! Shoutouts to KelannieTheElf for the raid! Spirits Bless my friends! #vTuber #MonsterHunterWilds
ShamanicWolf @ShamanicWolf
08 February, 01:05
IT'S TIME! Time to chill and kill on some Monster Hunter Wilds beta my friends Join me as we relearn the mechanics and controls for this game! Let's do it! #vTuber #NowPlaying #MonsterHunterWildsBeta
ShamanicWolf @ShamanicWolf
06 February, 05:09
Our First siege didn't go as planned exactly, but with Nikara_Lynin and @MechaRaptorOmega's help, we did secure some cool new stuff! Thank you guys for joining in today! Shoutout to player3keala for the raid! Spirits Bless #vTuber #Valheim
ShamanicWolf @ShamanicWolf
06 February, 01:00
Now that we have our Lizards, and we have our army, we can attempt our first siege alongside MechaRaptor84 and @Nikara_Lynin! Time to raid a skeleton castle! FOR VALHALLA! #vTuber #NowPlaying #Valheim
ShamanicWolf @ShamanicWolf
04 February, 03:47
A lot of fun dealing with a variety of Cryptids tonight with WolfQueenAni and @MechaRaptorOmega! Thank you guys for joining us in our adventure! Shoutouts to kydigadig and ArmaniWraith for the raids! Spirits Bless! #vTuber #ADayOut
ShamanicWolf @ShamanicWolf
03 February, 11:59
Time to hunt a new type of Monster, as we rejoin MechaRaptor84 and WolfQueenAni in some more Cryptid Hunting in A Day Out! Time to find some new monsters! #vTuber #NowPlaying #ADayOut
ShamanicWolf @ShamanicWolf
03 February, 05:33
A lot of fun being able to hunt with @DaHomieKaiba and Macellaneous tonight in VC! NeoPain also helped out and stuck with us through many of the hunts. Thank you guys for joining in as well! Next time, Fatalis is OURS! Shoutout to @MechaRaptorOmega and Gamplyr818 for the raids!
ShamanicWolf @ShamanicWolf
03 February, 01:02
Calling All Hunters! Tonight I host a lobby to help you with hunts you are having trouble with, in Monster Hunter World! Let us hunt together! #vTuber #NowPlaying #Monsterhunterworld
ShamanicWolf @ShamanicWolf
02 February, 04:39
A lot of fun being able to cause chaos with everyone again with the playthrough of King of the Castle! Hope you guys enjoyed the chaos as much as I did! Shoutouts to @RykoiGarou and KnightWolfVT for the raids! Spirits Bless my friends! #vTuber #KingOfTheCastle
ShamanicWolf @ShamanicWolf
02 February, 01:01
HEAR YE! HEAR YE! The King has Returned! Back from the dead, and here to rule once more! We reset our story to begin another grand chapter as King of the Castle Returns! Join in! #vTuber #NowPlaying #KingOfTheCastle
ShamanicWolf @ShamanicWolf
02 February, 12:12
A fun time getting back into Baldur's Gate. We will have to try out Karlach's mission again lol. Shoutouts to
AkiraFenrir for the raid as well! Spirits Bless! #vTuber #BladursGate3
ShamanicWolf @ShamanicWolf
01 February, 09:02
Tonight, it's time we go back to our little playthrough involving some dungeons that are filled with dragons. What kind of chaos can we run into today? Baldur's Gate 3 is Live! #vTuber #NowPlaying #baldursgate3
ShamanicWolf @ShamanicWolf
31 January, 07:31
Though I sadly cannot provide any level of discount code to you guys, I did want to mention V Card, the Vtuber Card game releases today! If you have a favorite big streamer that has a sponsorship with Gamer Supps, Check out their stream! #GamerSupps
ShamanicWolf @ShamanicWolf
30 January, 04:45
The Start of the Lizard army begins! Two Asksvin alone were able to produce over 12 lizards! Now to refine the soldiers! Thank you guys for joining! Shoutouts to Junosasagawa @MechaRaptorOmega @DaHomieKaiba and player3keala for the raids! Spirits Bless! #vTuber #Valheim
ShamanicWolf @ShamanicWolf
30 January, 01:00
My friends, it is time to raise our army! With our new Askvin, @MechaRaptorOmega, nikaralynin and I shall create a new army to lead into battle! Join me, as I am on Egg sitting duty! #vTuber #NowPlaying #Valheim
ShamanicWolf @ShamanicWolf
29 January, 05:39
Dinomists have a lot of functionality, just need to find out how to give them a nice power boost! Thank you all for joining me tonight as well! Shoutouts to kydigadig and mastamind83 for the raids! Spirits Bless! #vTuber #YuGiOhMasterDuel
ShamanicWolf @ShamanicWolf
29 January, 01:01
Tonight, we explore an event focusing around the Archetypes of Master Duel's Singleplayer stories and potentially looking at some of the story ourselves. But mostly, we take a look into a fun archetype of robotic dinos called.. The Dinomists! #vTuber #NowPlaying #yugioh
ShamanicWolf @ShamanicWolf
28 January, 01:09
No stream for tonight my friends. Going to need tonight for some needed rest. But will probably pick up some Yugioh Master Duel tomorrow for a fun event happening! Spirits Bless! #vTuber
ShamanicWolf @ShamanicWolf
27 January, 05:39
A ton of fucking fun with being King of the Castle! Thank you guys for joining in for making a fun player driven story! Shoutouts to @MechaRaptorOmega and KaijutlalliVT for the raids! Spirits Bless! #vTuber #KingOfTheCastle
ShamanicWolf @ShamanicWolf
27 January, 01:03
HEAR YE! HEAR YE! A New Ruler has been crowned Monarch of the Realm! His first order of business is an open invitation to the realm to come to his call to form a new King's Council! Will you aid or betray! King of the Castle is Live! #vTuber #NowPlaying #KingOfTheCastle
ShamanicWolf @ShamanicWolf
26 January, 05:08
Good Morning Shaman Pack! Today I have some interesting news! TONIGHT! I invite you all to a royal coronation, and I want you all to be my Council Members! Will you aid me? Or try and Dethrone me?! 7pm CST See ya soon! #vTuber #KingOfTheCastle
ShamanicWolf @ShamanicWolf
26 January, 05:02
Great to be back in the saddle with Wizards of Legend with @GibbHartin! Thank you guys for joining in today! Shoutouts to AgentsCarnage for the raid! Spirits Bless! #vTuber #WizardofLegend
ShamanicWolf @ShamanicWolf
26 January, 01:03
Tonight we welcome back Gibbhartin as we return to Wizard of Legend to try and take on the Grand Master Wizard once more! But first, we gotta get through the first 3 master wizards trials first! Let's Go! #vTuber #NowPlaying #WizardofLegend
ShamanicWolf @ShamanicWolf
25 January, 05:42
WE BEAT FATALIS! With the help of some amazing individuals, we have completed the major hunting quests! Now to wait for WILDS! Thank you guys for joining me today! Shoutouts to @MechaRaptorOmega kydigadig and KelannieTheElf for the raids! Spirits Bless! #vTuber #monsterhunter
ShamanicWolf @ShamanicWolf
25 January, 12:57
THE TIME IS NOW! Now we shall begin our fight against the Black Dragon! Now we will defeat it's reign! TIME! TO! FIGHT! FATALIS!!!! #vTuber #NowPlaying #Monsterhunterworld
ShamanicWolf @ShamanicWolf
24 January, 12:01
Tomorrow. Witness/ Join me, as we take on Fatalis once again. Hopefully, taking him down! #Monsterhunterworld
ShamanicWolf @ShamanicWolf
23 January, 04:37
The start of a reptile army to fight the undead is well underway now! Thank you for joining @MechaRaptorOmega Nikara_Lynin and I tonight my friends! Shoutout to 3keala and Mecha for the raids! Spirits Bless #vTuber #Valheim
ShamanicWolf @ShamanicWolf
23 January, 12:58
Time once more to enter the viking realm with @MechaRaptorOmega and @Nikara_Lynin! Time to develop a strategy for these undead fortresses! Let's Go! #vTuber #NowPlaying #Valheim