Administrator temporarily pinned
nekoli @nekoli
15 May, 02:11
Anddd, we're back, this time on a fresh drive. Sorry it took a while. We had to spend time figuring out what went wrong and ensure all data was safe.

Backups are taken of course, but only want to use them if necessary.

If you would like to assist the platform in being less reliant on a single point of failure, you can upgrade your account to Vmium or support our ko-fi here:

Thank you for using vTubers.Me. c:
Don Snowquarters @Snowquarters
15 January, 01:18
I'm going to be working on my content right away. I haven't done it in a while because I was busy with my pro wrestling matches. I do have a twitter/X account. I will be doing mini podcasts as part of the Red Vacant Comic Family. I'll be talking about my life, other things, ice cream, milkshake, I will be podcasting with @GoldenKiwi and @RedVacant about things that are going on. Bundle up. Stay inside. And hope you enjoy the content that I give. I'm going to make an egg nog milkshake now.
#vTuber #milkshake #VtuberContent
Red Vacant @RedVacant
27 October, 04:16
The new vtuber will appear sometime soon or saturday. Wanna thank @GoldenKiwi since he is in this image comic debut for this new vtuber. Already this new vtuber has a account. And from what this new vtuber is, she is a doctor, and a dentist. Look forward to when she appears officially, after I show off her debut. P.S. her comic/vtubing debut will contain nudity of the buttocks.
#NewVtuberDebut #Doctordentistvtuber #Thenewvtuber #VtubersDotMe
Violet Lime @VioletLime
21 September, 04:19
I just learned that I have three new attires that are ready. I'll show them to you here when I have the free time. For now, just relaxing and recovering from my collab with @GoldenKiwi that game was challenging.
#BloodyRoarPrimalFury #VtuberLuchadorscollabing #vtubercollab #ENVtuber
Red Vacant @RedVacant
29 August, 12:54
So last night, me and @GoldenKiwi had to help a vtuber during livestream on why she was having double audio on. But she was able to do it after looking it up on Youtube and internet searches. Then me and him were thanked by her and her chat. After that, she was able to do her collab and things were back to normal.
#HelpingVtubersinneed #HelpingHand
Red Vacant @RedVacant
24 July, 06:46
So Twitter is now officially X. I'm glad I got @GoldenKiwi and @VioletLime out of that platform. The three of us are currently talking privately on discord about the future of social media. What will remain intact and what will go. And what is depleting.
#Discord #TwitterNowX #X #DiscordSocial #VtubersDiscord #VTubersMe
Violet Lime @VioletLime
27 June, 02:55
I have an announcement. Me, @GoldenKiwi and @RedVacant have been invited and we are going to comic con! If you ask what we will do there, we'll just be browsing around, hanging out with celebrities, get their autographs, have their photos taken with us. I'll be a blast. Plus, if there are any merchandise, like souvenirs, we'll buy them. About time too. I miss going there. We're going to be going with an artist on Instagram who is a pro wrestler who we met at the PGA tour. He has a vtuber model that Red made, but hasn't used yet. So it will be a blast.
#comiccon #Vtubersinvadecomiccon
Golden Kiwi @GoldenKiwi
22 June, 08:29
Hello Lucha Knights, apologies for the delay of the collab video preview with @RedVacant I was going through a tough time with a family member's passing. So Red told me to wait, relax, and breathe until I'm ready to get things rolling again. Especially with retro gaming again. So I'm ok now, and here is the preview. The rest will be uploaded to Instagram. I was able to stop the movement of the model when the model moves when talking. Red wanted to stay as is. So I said ok.
#GoldenRed #vtubercollab #WorldofIllusion #MickeyMouseDonaldDuck #RedVacant #GoldenKiwi #Instagram
Golden Kiwi @GoldenKiwi
28 April, 09:42
Preview of my vtubing journey in WWE Day of Reckoning. Another preview is in the works. Then the whole video, separately, will be uploaded to Instagram. Preview 1. #VtuberWrestler #WWEDayofReckoning #wwe #Prowrestling #GoldenKiwi #Survive #PNGtuber #vTuber
Golden Kiwi @GoldenKiwi
05 April, 09:36
Lucha Knights. I'm continuing to create more characters on the Nintendo Gamecube. But it's on another WWE game. Good chance I could record it on my elgato on Saturday and upload the video if I do not have plans on a later date. As for where to upload, leaning either towards Instagram or Tiktok. I believe one of the two will do. #wwe #NintendoGamecube #vTuber #GoldenKiwi

It's quite empty here..

Huh, nothing could be found for '{{search_query}}', Try searching for something else?