SwimmingLink @SwimmingLink
28 December, 10:30
WolfieVT Welcome to the club!
Piffle @Piffle
28 December, 12:27
Hi #VTubers! I've decided to host an EMOTE RAFFLE!
It's an exclusivity for the members of the platform!

The winner will get a custom emote! ✨

To enter:
⤷ Follow me @Piffle
⤷ Like and Share this post!
⤷ Drop your reference in the comments!

🙌 Ends JAN 29th!
Good luck!

If this post goes well I'll add more winners!

#ENVtuber #art #VArtist #VtubersUprising #vTuber #emotes #ArtRaffle #FreeArt #VTuberArt
SwimmingLink @SwimmingLink
28 December, 06:03
Sorry to have this be my first post on here, but I've detected a critical flaw in the DM portion of this site, so I wanted to warn everybody - any message sent actually gets sent to the last conversation that was loaded as opposed to which conversation is open / trying to be sent to. This is a huge invasion of privacy issue for people who browse sites with multiple tabs at once (like me). PLEASE be careful when sending DMs on here until they get this fixed! I highly suggest reloading a DM page right before sending a message to ensure it gets sent to the correct account.