RaindropLily @RaindropLily
18 June, 09:17
🌊Hello everyone! It's a pleasure~ I can't wait to be able to hang out more with you guys!🫧

Just a smol tease of the model~ Been meaning to do this~ I can't wait to share more!🌊

@/llerose91 on Twitter

@/ladynyxelia on Twitter

#vtuberen #ENVtuber #vTuber #Vtuberuprising #llerosefamily
RaindropLily @RaindropLily
07 June, 06:15
🌊🌈Hello hello everyone! I just wanted to let everyone know that I have some Pride TITS assets in my Ko-fi shop for only a few dollars. I have stars and hearts! Happy Pride everyone! Link below!🌈🌊

#vtuberen #ENVtuber #vTuber #Vtuberuprising #pride #SmallStreamerConnect
RaindropLily @RaindropLily
02 June, 05:27
🌈One YCH Slot snagged from Twitter! Commished by ThePolishArtist on there! Am really happy with how this bean came out! Especially with the colors and shading! Working on chibis is really relaxing for me <3🌈

#art #Digitalart #digitalartist #vTuber #VArtist #ENVtuber #vtuberen #YCH #YCHOpen #commissionsopen #commissionopen #opencommissions #VtuberCommissions
RaindropLily @RaindropLily
02 June, 05:20
🌈🌊I have some Pride/Pet Chibi YCH slots open if anyone would like to snag one! They're priced at $15+ Depending on if you'd like any extras! Just comment below or dm if interested!🌊🌈

#ychcommission #commissionopen #Digitalart #vTuber #pride #VArtist #commission #YCH #vtuberen #ENVtuber #Vtuberuprising #VtuberCommissions #commissionsopen #opencommissions
RaindropLily @RaindropLily
28 May, 09:23
🌊Starting Soon Screen is up! We're going to be playing some more Monster Hunter Rise Solo Edition! Going to be going through some village quests! Hope to see you there!🌊

#vtuberen #ENVtuber #Vtuberuprising #vTuber #SmallStreamersConnect

RaindropLily @RaindropLily
13 May, 03:55
πŸ’§Starting soon screen is up! Time to speed the newest event of Genshin Impact! Hope to see you there!πŸ’§

#ENVtuber #Vtuberuprising #vtuberen #vTuber #SmallStreamersConnect #Live

RaindropLily @RaindropLily
12 May, 09:24
πŸ’§Starting soon screen is up! I know its been a while! Been hard finding the motivation to stream but I'm going to try and be better! Join me for a stream of Monster hunter with my bestie ShoutingFir380πŸ’§

#ENVtuber #vTuber #Vtuberuprising #vtuberen

RaindropLily @RaindropLily
02 April, 11:27
🌊Starting Soon Screen is up! Its time for Core Keeper Choas Collab! First and last stream for a couple weeks! And you'll get a sneak preview of a new asset! Hope to see you all there!🌊

#ENVtuber #vtuberen #Vtuberuprising #vTuber #SmallStreamersConnect

Hidden | Martin | Mo.. @HiddenQuasar
30 March, 09:38
On my Twitter I'm currently doing a Live 2D Model reveal and to make it easier I decided likes and shares here will count as well! So I will post the current progress and hope everyone likes it! Thanks for all the support!

#ENVtuber #vTuber #VtubersUprising
RaindropLily @RaindropLily
30 March, 06:51
Hello everyone! This is my introduction post here on VTuber.me! You're more than welcome to call me Rain or Lily, I'm the Guardian Water Dragon of Ancient Memories & Magic! I guard the Lotus Pearls which one holds the magic of one certain dimension. In my spare time I enjoy video games and doing art! I hope to see you and get to know you all!

Website: https://raindroplily.carrd.co/
Twitch Link: https://www.twitch.tv/raindrop...
SFW Art Tag: #LotusPearlArt
NSFW: #LotusPearlUnleashed

#vtuberen | #ENVtuber | #Vtuberintro | #Vtuberuprising