Dee and Doh Ch. 🐈‍⬛🔪.. @MfSDD
17 April, 07:48
Dee and Doh Ch. 🐈‍⬛🔪.. @MfSDD
16 April, 05:27
Dee and Doh Ch. 🐈‍⬛🔪.. @MfSDD
15 April, 12:30
Dee and Doh Ch. 🐈‍⬛🔪.. @MfSDD
14 April, 08:45
How I plan my vocal booth.
Have I thought about how I will mount them together? no
Do I know how to stabilize the wall? not really
Will it be done by my debut?Probably
Do I expect you to come? Not really, but I wouldnt mind you being there.
#vTuber #VTubers #VtuberUprisings #Debut #ENVtuber #vtubersirl
Dee and Doh Ch. 🐈‍⬛🔪.. @MfSDD
14 April, 08:16
Dee and Doh Ch. 🐈‍⬛🔪.. @MfSDD
13 April, 08:43
Dee and Doh Ch. 🐈‍⬛🔪.. @MfSDD
12 April, 05:56
Mookei 🐮☁️ Cow Vtube.. @Mookei
30 March, 04:09
If you guys ever need help or advice with Vtubing or social media plz let me know my dms are always open! 🐮💕
#vTuber | #ENVtuber | #VtuberSupport
Dee and Doh Ch. 🐈‍⬛🔪.. @MfSDD
29 March, 07:28
I tried something and he cute.
My Editing and drawing could use some work tho
Mookei 🐮☁️ Cow Vtube.. @Mookei
28 March, 07:01
We shall protect you new lil ones!!! 🐮💕
#vTuber | #VtubersEN | #VtuberSupport
HadesVT @HadesVT
28 March, 07:26
Dee and Doh Ch. 🐈‍⬛🔪.. @MfSDD
28 March, 07:08
This is old news for the people who have been here for a bit, but to all newcomers and everyone joining, here our announcement:

We have been working on our first album since January this year and will continue until release!

#ENVtuber #Vsinger #VtubersUprising

(and if you are cheeky and want to contribute to the production: