Ghosty @Ghosty_079
04 April, 05:17
Replying to Eryn's Post
How's my favorite otter doing?
nekoli @nekoli
03 April, 04:49
vTubers.Me supports vTubers and creators of all diversity, which yes does include trans creators. At the time of making the original post on the vTubers.Me account, I was wanting to show that we support all creators and will take action against those that choose to harass or discriminate any creator. People have brought up arguments saying because I did not mention trans creators directly that I am transphobic, which is far from the case. I was really trying to fit what I could into one post and I admitted in a follow-up the quality of it suffered because of it.
Ghosty @Ghosty_079
02 April, 09:06
Replying to Eryn's Post