Queenie Caeli @AngelicQ
31 March, 09:07
Happy #TransDayOfVisibility ~!

We never hide it, but I'm trans!

AMAB and my pronouns are She/They

A lot of trans people cope with living in a body that doesn't feel right to them. Being a system, it often means that we're not only uncomfortable being in someone else's body, but that we ALSO are uncomfortable with that body's arrangement.

We know that there can be a lot of external pressure to act, dress, or appear a certain way for your pronouns to be respected. Nobody worth your time applies that pressure.

Live for your own comfort. Love your peers!
Alora✨Sheep VTuber🏳️.. @AloraSheepkin
31 March, 01:14
Hai hai! Now in this new place allow me to introduce myself!
I am Alora, a being reborn from my old mortal self into now a dream spirit! I am here to see all of the lovely faces around here and brighten up your day, even if it's a little bit!