GenerallyHeroic @GenerallyHeroic
05 June, 06:36
I want some peepza!
Alethila 💙🐎 @Alethila
14 May, 07:48
The JoJ Cinematic Universe

- JoJ
- JoJman
- SpiderJoJ
- Iron JoJ
- Jhor
- Doctor JoJ
To be continued...
GenerallyHeroic @GenerallyHeroic
05 June, 01:01
I own a community called
Digital red-light paradise and you can be apart of it
Its a loveable sex positive commuinity with whole and safe channel wether your seiso or lewd we go a area for you. SMILE!

together with @/MistressBriley @/praxisandtheory
Mistress Briley 💋😈🔞 @MistressBriley
05 June, 12:15
Stolen from discord~
Sentiment rings true!
GenerallyHeroic @GenerallyHeroic
05 June, 12:15
I am dieing I have to stay up
GenerallyHeroic @GenerallyHeroic
06 April, 01:02
i ment dex right? RIGHT!?
GenerallyHeroic @GenerallyHeroic
03 April, 04:29
Good time zone I am hurting all over typing this hurt but I love u guy and hype. also rbhfvn u d c njhfdgjjggg u just mean alot me <3
GenerallyHeroic @GenerallyHeroic
02 April, 02:29
This is something i got Draw for me and a friend jeana.
GenerallyHeroic @GenerallyHeroic
02 April, 07:47
Good TImezone, How are you today :D
Mistress Briley 💋😈🔞 @MistressBriley
01 April, 04:44
Hello there!

Who else here makes YouTube content besides me?

Drop your links! I want more Vtubers to watch~
GenerallyHeroic @GenerallyHeroic
01 April, 04:46
Hmm its morning still for 15 more minutes. I am feeling like this is a weird eventful day.
GenerallyHeroic @GenerallyHeroic
01 April, 04:25
I'm not though. you agree right?
GenerallyHeroic @GenerallyHeroic
01 April, 04:21
Um, is this my new place to meat cuties