Strxwberrypixel @strxwberrypixel
18 April, 09:03
excited for tonight's spuwuky Tuesday stream!! playing phasmophobia with civilspecter and goldfishgurney ❣️🌸 6pm CST
Mookei 🐮☁️ Cow Vtube.. @Mookei
12 April, 05:32
How I feel when I go outside 🐮💕
#vTuber | #ENVtubers | #VtubersUprising
Strxwberrypixel @strxwberrypixel
06 April, 01:43
This is everyone's official invite to slide into my DMs and be my friend, thank you.
Strxwberrypixel @strxwberrypixel
06 April, 07:08
bittersweet that tomorrow is likely the last time I'll be streaming with my 3D vroid model 😭😭 excited to re-debut with my new one hopefully soon <3 (also want to put a disclaimer that there is nothing wrong with my 3D vroid model, she's my baby that I made and am very blessed to have had, it's just time for the channel to transition to a 2d style model) So much love <3
Strxwberrypixel @strxwberrypixel
06 April, 06:57
unlocking my new model on the hellsite rn and we are so close to the goals <3 #Vtuberuprising #Live2D
Ringtail🦝💜 @Ringtail
06 April, 03:44
Oh hey, I saw #VtubervsIRL trending for a sec!

Here's my model vs me IRL! Sorry, I might not be purple but I'm still the same raccoon!

#vTuber #vtuberen #Vtuberuprising #VtuberMemes
Strxwberrypixel @strxwberrypixel
30 March, 01:49
that was such an amazing stream!!! Thank you to everyone who came by 😍 @Schala @UltraGaming @HadesVT and Riyuu (idk which account is yours but when I figure it out I will re-tag you) You guys are awesome. So much love in this community
Mynx @Mynx
28 March, 08:06
oh yay, another thing i won't use properly...

Hi everyone!!
Elon Musk @elonmuskVT
28 March, 08:09
Replying to Strxwberrypixel's Post
you are my second in command congrats
Schala @Schala
28 March, 08:35
Replying to Strxwberrypixel's Post
Is this Pyxel?

No, this is Patrick!
Strxwberrypixel @strxwberrypixel
28 March, 08:25
You better go drink some water today
Strxwberrypixel @strxwberrypixel
28 March, 08:19
Strxwberrypixel @strxwberrypixel
28 March, 08:19
Strxwberrypixel @strxwberrypixel
28 March, 08:15
Strxwberrypixel @strxwberrypixel
28 March, 07:56
Hit the stream button accidentally when testing recording settings and this video is silly goose behavior personified
Mookei 🐮☁️ Cow Vtube.. @Mookei
28 March, 07:01
We shall protect you new lil ones!!! 🐮💕
#vTuber | #VtubersEN | #VtuberSupport
HadesVT @HadesVT
28 March, 07:26
HayumiVT 🌸Cat Vtuber.. @HayumiVT
28 March, 06:44
🍓🌸| #vTuber #vtuberen #VtuberUprsing |🌸🍓