Celest @CelestOrion
16 December, 07:44
I completely forgot I had an account here lol
Celest @CelestOrion
31 March, 04:13
Oh, right. Proper introductions.

I'm Celest, off-and-on streamer since 2009! You'll see a LOT of sci-fi (Star Trek, Mass Effect, etc) and Sonic posts from me, since I work on writing and comic production!

You can find me at other places at the links below:

Twitter: https://twitter.com/celestorio...
Twitch: https://twitch.tv/celestorion
Ko-Fi: https://Ko-Fi.com/celestorion
My comic: https://soniclegacyonline
Celest @CelestOrion
31 March, 04:08
I have arrived, no one is safe.