Administrator temporarily pinned
nekoli @nekoli
18 October, 11:43
Hey everyone, sorry for the lack of updates.

Developing for three different platforms, web, ios, and android, were really taking a toll on me and when the yearly renewal for apple's developer program came up, I didn't end up paying it due to the cost and the site really not making enough on its own to afford it.

I am thinking of resuming updates, however only for the web, since it's easily accessible from all devices. Please let me know what you'll like to see, either through this thread or our discord.

Thank you.
ShamanicWolf @ShamanicWolf
25 January, 05:42
WE BEAT FATALIS! With the help of some amazing individuals, we have completed the major hunting quests! Now to wait for WILDS! Thank you guys for joining me today! Shoutouts to @MechaRaptorOmega kydigadig and KelannieTheElf for the raids! Spirits Bless! #vTuber #monsterhunter
ShamanicWolf @ShamanicWolf
11 January, 07:37
We got to Fatalis! Thank you all so much for the support in getting us here! Thank you to everyone who joined in and followed for the fun times! Shoutout to Junosasagawa for the raid as well! Now to Beat Fatalis! Spirits Bless! #vTuber #ENVtuber #monsterhunter
ShamanicWolf @ShamanicWolf
11 January, 01:02
IT, Is Time! Time to bring down dragons and fight monsters! Time to play some open lobby Monster Hunter World! Let's Go #monsterhunter #NowPlaying #vTuber
ShamanicWolf @ShamanicWolf
17 December, 03:59
A lot of fun being able to game with ushisarcade and his friends in Lethal and Monster Hunter! Thank you guys for joining us today! Shoutout to kydigadig for the raid! Spirits Bless! #vTuber #lethalcompany #monsterhunter
ShamanicWolf @ShamanicWolf
08 December, 04:31
We Made it to Alatreon Tonight! Now to Prepare for some major Dragon Culling! Thank you guys for joining in today! Shoutouts to ushisarcade and the fellow hunters here for the lovely support! Spirits Bless! #vTuber #monsterhunter
ShamanicWolf @ShamanicWolf
02 December, 04:49
We made lots of progress! Unlocked lots of monster fights. and are One step closer to fighting Fatalis! Rajang will fall! Thank you guys for joining me! Shoutout to @kulakandragoon for the raid! Spirits Bless! #vTuber #monsterhunter
ShamanicWolf @ShamanicWolf
02 December, 12:20
Aight! Time to roll through some more main story quests! We are only a few more quests away from reaching the big bad black dragon! So Let's Keep Pushing! Open Lobby Monster Hunter World is Live! #vTuber #NowPlaying #monsterhunter
ShamanicWolf @ShamanicWolf
21 November, 03:32
The Ultimate Contender! The Best Monster Rival I can ask for! ZINOGRE is now on the list of hunts once again! Thank you all for joining me and @MechaRaptorOmega tonight! Spirits Bless my friends! #vTuber #monsterhunter
ShamanicWolf @ShamanicWolf
07 November, 05:18
Glad to introduce MechaRaptor84 to Monster Hunter and a lot of fun playing with WolfQueenAni fighting Shara Ishvalda! Thank you guys for joining in today! Look out for Friday as wills will be tested! Spirits Bless! #Vruber #monsterhunter
ShamanicWolf @ShamanicWolf
07 November, 12:49
A Change of Plans! Due to some things coming up, Valheim shall be switched tonight for helping out @MechaRaptorOmega in his newest journey into the Monster Hunter scene! Time to train another hunter! #vTuber #NowPlaying #monsterhunter
ShamanicWolf @ShamanicWolf
04 November, 03:41
See you in February Wilds! And we are one step closer to beating World with the defeat of Shara Ishvalda! Thank you guys for joining in today! Shoutout to kydigadig and @kulakandragoon for the raids! Spirits Bless! #vTuber #monsterhunter
ShamanicWolf @ShamanicWolf
31 October, 10:33
The kids may be getting candy and Halloween Pokemon cards from us. But I got a treat of my own in the mail today! Zoids Rathalos and my first Gundam model, Rising Freedom! Am I apart of the cool kids club now? Lol #ZOIDS #monsterhunter #gundam
ShamanicWolf @ShamanicWolf
01 October, 04:49
Thank you guys for the amazing party session in Monster Hunter! You guys are beast! Shoutouts to MechaRaptor84 kydigadig UshisArcade and DalahanThalstan for the raids! Spirits Bless my friends! #vTuber #monsterhunter
ShamanicWolf @ShamanicWolf
15 April, 12:35
Another grand adventure into the New World! Thank you guys for joining in! Shoutouts to MorganTician for the raid! Next time, we get to fight Elder Dragons! #vTuber #ENVtuber #monsterhunter #ReturntoWorld
ShamanicWolf @ShamanicWolf
09 April, 03:04
We Defeated the Secret Trio! But Now we gotta beat this Delivery Quest lol! Thank you guys for joining in! Shoutout to @ArcanaCabal, @MechaRaptorOmega and GibbHartin for the raids! Spirits Bless! #vTuber #ENVtuber #monsterhunter #PS2
ShamanicWolf @ShamanicWolf
08 April, 11:17
BONUS ROUND! Turns out unlocking the secret monster quests was a lot easier than I thought, so we are going to be working on unlocking The Secret Three (As I like to call them) for Classic PS2 Monster Hunter! Join Me! #vTuber #ENVtuber #NowPlaying #monsterhunter #PS2
ShamanicWolf @ShamanicWolf
06 April, 04:39
WE OFFICIALLY BEAT MONSTER HUNTER ON PS2! Monoblos is dead, Plesioth is Dead, and its all thanks to the power of Gambling lol! Thank you all for joining tonight, and shoutout to ArcanaCabal and kydigadig for the raids! Spirits Bless my friends! #vTuber #ENVtuber #monsterhunter
ShamanicWolf @ShamanicWolf
05 April, 11:53
Tonight we continue our quest to get ourselves a light crystal from our enemy the Gypceros. Will we finally get our gem, or will we be forced to grind off stream once again lol. Only One Way to Find Out! Monster Hunter PS2 is Live #vTuber #ENVtuber #NowPlaying #monsterhunter
CellphishKaiju @Cellphish
03 April, 10:01
ShamanicWolf @ShamanicWolf
29 March, 11:53
Tonight we join my friend GibbHartin in announcing a fun little project I have created! The Shaman Hunting Squad will make it's mark in the Monster Hunter Community! Join us! #vTuber #ENVtuber #NowPlaying #monsterhunter #ReturntoWorld
ShamanicWolf @ShamanicWolf
06 March, 05:08
Plesioth Managed to best us Once More, but Don't Worry. Next Time, We WILL be ready for him. Thank you for joining in as well! Shoutouts to @Nikara_Lynin, @kulakandragoon, @GibbHartin, and kydigadig for the raids! Spirits Bless! #vTuber #ENVtuber #monsterhunter
ShamanicWolf @ShamanicWolf
06 March, 12:55
Time for some more classic Monster Hunter, and I gotta say... This GAME wants to make me SUFFER! Join Me! #vTuber #ENVtuber #NowPlaying #monsterhunter #PS2
ShamanicWolf @ShamanicWolf
17 January, 04:35
We got some of the most annoying quests out of the way and got a sneak peek of Plesioth! Thanks for joining me tonight! Shoutout to kydigadig for the raid as well! Spirits Bless! #vTuber #ENVtuber #monsterhunter
Calvin Cawthorne |Vt.. @Corvid_Comm
23 December, 12:44
THE OFFICE IS NOW OPEN! tonight we play#MonsterHunterWorld, and I'm working on growing my collection of giant hammers!

Join the Stream Here!:

#TwitchStreamers #livestreaming #VtubersEN
ShamanicWolf @ShamanicWolf
29 November, 04:11
We Killed the Rathalos! Third time was the charm! Thank you guys for joining me tonight! Shoutouts to @MechaRaptor84, Nikara_Lynin and milk_minx or the starting soon raid! Spirits Bless! #vTuber #ENVtuber #monsterhunter
ShamanicWolf @ShamanicWolf
28 November, 01:06
No streams for tonight my friends, but prepare for a little more Classic Monster Hunter on Tuesday and Valheim on Wednesday! Spirits Bless! #vTuber #ENVtuber #TwitchStreamers #Valheim #monsterhunter
ShamanicWolf @ShamanicWolf
26 November, 04:42
An amazing time hunting tonight! Finally finished my Zinogre armor and upgraded Lunagaron to max! Shoutouts to @MechaRaptorOmega and @RykoiGarou for the raids! Spirits Bless! #vTuber #ENVtuber #monsterhunter
ShamanicWolf @ShamanicWolf
23 September, 04:59
We will get our revenge on Rathalos! MARK MY WORDS! But thanks for popping in everyone! Shoutouts to @MechaRaptorOmega and WolfQueenAni for the raids! Spirits Bless my friends! #vTuber #ENVtuber #monsterhunter
ShamanicWolf @ShamanicWolf
22 September, 11:57
Time to go after some Big Game Hunting for classic Monster Hunter! Let's See if we can't make it Rathalos tonight! Come and Join Me! #vTuber #ENVtuber #NowPlaying #monsterhunter
ShamanicWolf @ShamanicWolf
22 September, 06:39
Got today off from work, so guess what? More Classic Monster Hunter tonight! Seeing as how it's not normally a major stream day, don't want to dive into the big game list. I'll see ya'll tonight! 7pm CST. #vTuber #ENVtuber #monsterhunter #twitchstreamer

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