Administrator temporarily pinned
nekoli @nekoli
18 October, 11:43
Hey everyone, sorry for the lack of updates.

Developing for three different platforms, web, ios, and android, were really taking a toll on me and when the yearly renewal for apple's developer program came up, I didn't end up paying it due to the cost and the site really not making enough on its own to afford it.

I am thinking of resuming updates, however only for the web, since it's easily accessible from all devices. Please let me know what you'll like to see, either through this thread or our discord.

Thank you.
Somit Vishwakarma @somit
16 January, 11:50
Somit Vishwakarma @somit
16 January, 11:49
Somit Vishwakarma @somit
16 January, 11:49
MailsDaddy Solutions @mailsdaddy
15 January, 12:45
MailsDaddy Exchange Server Suite is a multi-purpose tool to Migrate from different sources like OST, PST, EDB, Live Exchange Server and Office 365 to Microsoft 365. This is a complete migration suite for Exchange server, MS Outlook and M365.
Download free demo:
MailsDaddy Solutions @mailsdaddy
15 January, 12:43
Migrate Lotus Notes to Outlook PST, Office 365, and Exchange on-Premise
Are you looking for a professional solution to import Lotus Notes into Office 365? Use MailsDaddy Lotus Notes Migration Suite Tool that can easily migrate Lotus Notes database into Office 365 and Lice Exchange Server. Another more, users can also convert Lotus Notes NSF file into Outlook PST file format with complete data security.

Visit here:
Somit Vishwakarma @somit
15 January, 09:52
Somit Vishwakarma @somit
14 January, 07:20
#Free #google #gmail #Office365 #migration #method #microsoft #mailsdaddy #gsuite

Learn free method to import Google Workspace items to Office 365 account without any technical glitch. This is a step-by-step guide to transfer GSuite mailbox to Microsoft 365.
CloudBik Solutions @cloudbik
11 January, 06:54
Migrate Between O365 Tenants with Confidence Today

Cloudbik delivers reliable Office 365 migrations with zero downtime and expert support. From mailboxes to Teams data, we ensure a hassle-free migration every time.


#Office365Experts #MigrationMadeEasy #CloudSolutions
Kamerson @Kamerson
18 August, 06:13
I want to post on here more often,'s tough.

I can't exactly migrate from Twitter to here because nobody that I follow on Twitter posts here. Right now this account pretty much serves as a backup just in case Twitter goes COMPLETELY under and more of the people I follow migrate here, but they'll likely migrate elsewhere.
Sato_VT @MonokoVTUBER
19 July, 10:36

had to take a mental health break but now i am ready to GO!!!
Kurogane Kei @kuroganekei
06 July, 02:11
Not sure if it's happening to others but I think the gfx "artists" from the bird app has migrated here too.

If you're genuine though, I would suggest not approaching people to get commissions.
Jaekays @Jaekays
02 July, 11:17
Twitter is dying. Lmao is this where we migrated?
ghostibirb @ghostibirb
01 July, 10:30
Probs gonna migrate here from the unfortunate bird app. Hallo!
Yagi☕🐐 @YagiVT
01 July, 08:30
Twitter can't stop itself from becoming worse! I hope more people are able to agree on some place to migrate to so that we can just drop it entirely..
Arzel Gusokugi @ArzelGusokugi
21 June, 08:45
Hello stegodachis!
We're going to play ARK: Survival Evolved to migrate our character and other belongings from Lost Island to Fjordur in PH Medieval ACDC Era server. 🥰
#PHVTuber #ArkSurvivalEvolved #PhMedievalAcdcEra
Umbra_Karasu @Umbra_Karasu
30 March, 08:57
As a crow, I needed to migrate eventually. 😂

But how is everyone feeling about this new platform thus far?

#ENVTuber️ #VtuberMigration #VtubersUprising
Hitishi Hiroshi @HitishiTheFox
29 March, 04:45
welp i can proudly say ive migrated to this plantform,so to start ill post my stream schedule,I hope i can see everyone whenever i go live~
nekoli @nekoli
13 March, 11:37
I had to make some changes to how user settings were stored and reset them to the default values. I apologize for having to do this. Before the site is out of beta, I will ensure there is proper migrate tools for necessary changes.

Also, live badges are now show everywhere you yourself are on the site. "Show connections" for profiles is added but not finished just yet.

Please let me know if you have any feedback, such as, what platforms to focus on adding next.

We have a discord:

It's quite empty here..

Huh, nothing could be found for '{{search_query}}', Try searching for something else?