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nekoli @nekoli
18 October, 11:43
Hey everyone, sorry for the lack of updates.

Developing for three different platforms, web, ios, and android, were really taking a toll on me and when the yearly renewal for apple's developer program came up, I didn't end up paying it due to the cost and the site really not making enough on its own to afford it.

I am thinking of resuming updates, however only for the web, since it's easily accessible from all devices. Please let me know what you'll like to see, either through this thread or our discord.

Thank you.
Riya @singriya352f
23 January, 10:45
What is the Cacoxenite Jewelry - Benefits and Uses

Bringing Cacoxenite Jewelry to life will bring many spiritual, emotional, and physical benefits. The best way to adorn its potent energies is by ensuring that the crystal remains intact with your skin all the time.

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#Jewelrytone #jewelry #jewellery
Riya @singriya352f
23 January, 10:23
Natural Wholesale Orange Carnelian Stone Jewelry from Rananjay Exports

Genuine orange carnelian stone jewelry by Rananjay Exports has the best collection of sterling silver carnelian rings, earrings, pendants, bracelets & necklaces at wholesale prices Enquire today to find out more!

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#Jewelrytone #jewelry #jewellery
Riya @singriya352f
23 January, 10:08
Healing with The Real Cavansite Jewelry

cavansite is the wonder stone with the prime healing. It opens and activates our three higher chakras making the wearer aware of the happenings of the world. This gem helps one to transmit, communicate, and aligns to their higher goals in life.

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#Jewelrytone #jewelry #jewellery
Riya @singriya352f
22 January, 10:20
Ceramic Art Jewelry | Buy Sterling Silver Ceramic Art Jewelry

Buy Ceramic Art Jewelry at affordable price, Rananjay Exports - The biggest online platform for wholesale retailers to purchase the best quality Ceramic Art Jewelry We offer FREE shipping on all orders over 499 worldwide with custom manufacturing Shop now!!

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#Jewelrytone #jewelry #jewellery
Ava @avamai445
22 January, 09:58
Buy Wholesale Chalcedony Jewelry from Rananjay Exports

Check out our collection of chalcedony jewelry at wholesale prices Buy sterling silver chalcedony ring online at best prices from Rananjay Exports - Trusted supplier of wholesale gemstone jewelry

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#Jewelrytone #jewelry #jewellery
Ava @avamai445
22 January, 09:45
Buy Charoite Jewelry At Wholesale Prices from Rananjay Exports

Are you looking for a trusted wholesaler of Charoite Jewelry online? Then your wait is over Check out our collection of high-quality charoite stone jewelry from Rananjay Exports today

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#Jewelrytone #jewelry #jewellery
Ava @avamai445
21 January, 09:32
Shop Pearl Jewelry: At Wholesale Prices From Rananjay Export

Pearl Jewelry is said to have a variety of healing properties. This gem promotes protection, inner confidence, and serenity. It is also noted that pearls balance the aura and ground you. If you wear this gemstone, you will remain centered, even in chaos. It is said to heal the digestive and muscular systems while promoting fertility and easy childbirth.

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#jewelry #fashion #Jewelrystone #jewellery
Riya @singriya352f
21 January, 09:20
Shop Chiastolite Jewelry Sets at Wholesale Prices at Rananjay Exports

Chiastolite Jewelry is a perfect choice for unconventional trendsetters who love to flaunt a bold look Sterling Silver Chiastolite Jewelry has become quite a demandable fashion accessory that impacts everywhere it goes

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#jewelry #fashion #Jewelrystone #jewellery
Riya @singriya352f
21 January, 09:05
Shop Chrysocolla Jewelry at Wholesale Prices from Rananjay Exports

Genuine Chrysocolla jewelry by Rananjay Exports has the best collection of sterling silver chrysocolla rings, earrings, pendants, bracelets & necklaces at wholesale prices Worldwide shipping available

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#jewelry #fashion #Jewelrystone #jewellery
Riya @singriya352f
21 January, 08:52
Buy Unique Green Chrysoprase jewelry at Wholesale Prices from Rananjay Exports

Rananjay Exports have the finest collection of natural Chrysoprase jewelry Enquire today to find out Green Chrysoprase jewelry like rings, necklaces, pendants, earrings, bracelets, etc

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#jewelry #fashion #Jewelrystone #jewellery
Riya @singriya352f
20 January, 09:41
Buy Real Wholesale Citrine Jewelry from Rananjay Exports

Citrine is a beautiful gemstone that possesses a lovely yellow color. This makes it an ideal gem to create wholesale citrine jewelry collections in terms of aesthetic appeal. It is not very recent that citrine gemstone is being used to create jewelry.

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#jewelry #fashion #Jewelrystone #jewellery
Riya @singriya352f
20 January, 09:21
Citrine Druzy Jewelry | Buy Citrine Druzy Jewelry Online

Citrine Druzy Jewelry, the exquisite nature artistry, and human craftsmanship are just like a warm morning sunlit where rays of sunlight fall on the Earth's surface and give divine energy to each living being. Citrine is just like that, the stone of joy and abundance, which has a radiant glow.

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Riya @singriya352f
18 January, 10:24
Cobalt Calcite jewelry Buy 925 Sterling Silver Cobalt Calcite jewelry

Natural wholesale Cobalt Calcite jewelry by Rananjay Exports has the finest collection of Cobalt Calcite jewelry like rings, earrings, bracelets, And necklaces at affordable prices. Enquire today!.

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Riya @singriya352f
18 January, 10:09
Shop Natural Wholesale Coconut Geode Jewelry from Rananjay Exports

Associate with Rananjay Exports and get the natural sterling silver coconut geode jewelry at wholesale prices. We promise to offer quality products with FREE shipping on all orders over $499 worldwide. Shop now.

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#jewelry #fashion #Jewelrytone #jewellery
Riya @singriya352f
17 January, 10:23
Crazy Lace Agate Jewelry at Wholesale Prices From Rananjay Exports

Crazy Lace Agate Jewelry is like a designer quilt that you want to wrap around yourself. The creamy browns, blacks, golds, and occasional pinks give your look a dramatic and out-of-the-world appearance. You can combine it with other earthy-colored gemstones to oomph an eye-catching glamorous look.

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Riya @singriya352f
17 January, 10:11
Crystal Quartz jewelry | 925 Silver Crystal Quartz jewelry Online

Crystal Quartz appearing like a piece of eternal ice sent by the heavenly gods, inspires your inner child to come out and play. It is one of the most abundant minerals in Earth’s continental crust and is composed of silicon and oxygen. The gem can appear crystal clear or have inclusions such as bubbles and veils, displaying a fascinating color blast.

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Riya @singriya352f
17 January, 10:00
Buy Cubic Zirconia Jewelry At Wholesale Prices From Rananjay Exports

Cubic Zirconia is a heart-winning artificial, colorless gemstone that is formed by the cubic crystalline form of zirconium dioxide. It is one of the most popular diamond alternatives because of its exceptional brilliance that aptly imitates diamonds’ sparkle and its highly affordable price.

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Riya @singriya352f
17 January, 09:36
Shop Deerfawn Jasper Jewelry at Wholesale Prices From Rananjay Exports

Deerfawn Jasper is studded with unique metaphysical properties that provide its wearer with intense healing and benefits. It has a steady and calming energy that can be very beneficial during stress and anxiety. It is a reassuring friend that keeps you stable when faced with challenging situations or problems.

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khushbujewellers @khushbujewellers
16 January, 06:55
Khushbu Jewellers, The Fine Jewellery store is the fastest growing jewellery brand with unique designs and ultimate purity. Company based in Jodhpur, Rajasthan established in 2018 with it's vision of most satisfied customers services and most trusted jewellery brand in all over India and across the continent.
kalyan @kalyan
17 July, 05:25
At Kalyan Jewellers, the radiant glow of Pearls has long captured the hearts of women everywhere. Our extensive collection features a stunning variety of gold, silver, and platinum jewelry, all adorned with exquisite pearls. These pearls come in an array of enchanting hues, including classic white, soft pink, and creamy tones, ensuring there is something to suit every taste and occasion.

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